Chapter Thirteen - Crescendo

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True to the piglins' word, it was only about a twenty minute walk to their camp.

It was bigger than she'd expected, Y/N noted as the first tents came into view. The 'camp' was more like a small town, with at least two dozen tents of varying sizes that ringed around a large central firepit. She could see piglins of all ages milling about the camp, from adults working with wood or leather to children cleaning or chasing each other about. Not a hunter's camp, then- this was a living space, where they raised their young.

There were guards stationed around the outside, who called out greetings to the hunters as they approached. Y/N looked down when something crunched underfoot, and found teal pieces of dried warped mushroom scattered on the ground all around the camp. This must be how they kept away the hoglins.

Herobrine remained close at her side, one hand resting over hers where she held his arm. He was obviously tense, and she couldn't fault him for that. While he had clearly come a long way from attacking Tekno without provocation in the mineshaft, these piglins were strangers. It was quite possible that they felt the same way towards him as he did with them.

Their guides led them towards the center of camp, coming to a stop close to where the cooking fire burned low. "Wait here," The woman told them. "We need t' inform the highlord of what we found."

"Alright," Y/N agreed. She let go of Herobrine's arm as the piglins retreated, selecting one of the stumps around the firepit and sinking down onto it.

Herobrine knelt down on her left, casting a glance towards where Alex was already wandering off before turning back to Y/N. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Fine," She answered honestly. "I'm in no pain, only a little out of breath."

"Good." Herobrine nodded, settling down on the ground beside her. Y/N was glad that the fire was not built up too high - the Nether was too hot for her tastes already.

Y/N was quiet for a little while, watching Alex as the redhead milled around camp chatting with the piglins. Unlike herself and Herobrine, Alex seemed completely at ease with their hosts... which made plenty of sense, considering her upbringing.

"Do you think they recognize you?" Y/N murmured to Herobrine. He didn't answer for a moment.

"I don't know," He finally replied. "I... would be surprised if the highlord did not." Y/N hummed quietly. The highlord, she presumed, was the leader of the camp.

"Are you going to be alright?" Was her next question. Herobrine's jaw tightened a bit.

"I'll be fine." he told her. Y/N nodded.

Movement caught her eye, and she glanced over to find the hunters that found them emerging from the largest tent. The man came towards them, while the woman broke off to speak with some of the others.

"His lordship would like to discuss your findings personally," The piglin said as he came near. "But-" he added as Y/N made to stand, "Not until after the evening meal. I'm sure the three of you could use a hearty dinner."

"We certainly won't refuse it," Y/N told him with a smile as she settled back down on the stump. The piglin grunted in acknowledgement and walked away. "It still amazes me that anyone can keep track of the time of day here." Y/N commented, glancing around to find Alex again. "Without being able to see the sky." Herobrine chuckled quietly.

"You get used to it."

The activity in the camp around the began to pick up, the piglins building up the central fire and beginning to prepare what appeared to be a hoglin carcass. So they hunted the beasts even when they were not invading their camp. Y/N observed idly, watching them work from her perch on the crimson stump until music from the other side of the camp caught her attention. A small group of piglins had produced a variety of instruments, and appeared to be in the process of tuning them, which was already drawing in a small audience of children. Was this a standard part of their routine...? Or were they performing because they had guests?

Fly, Phoenix, Fly - Herobrine x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ