Chapter Nine - Talk To Me

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Pls remember to heed fic violence warning for this one


"Ooh." Alex's voice caught Y/N's attention, who glanced over to find the redhead stooping down to pluck a brown mushroom off the ground.

"What's that?"

"Snack." Alex popped the mushroom into her mouth. "The little brown and red ones are safe to eat," She explained at Y/N's bewildered look. "Brown ones are my favorites, though."

"It's a good idea to forage whatever we can," Herobrine said from where he led their little procession. "Since we have no reliable source of food."

"We should make finding one a priority." Y/N said. "Since we have no idea how long we'll be out here, and we're no good to the queen dying of starvation." Herobrine didn't answer, which brought a frown to her face.

The three of them were still in the ravine, which seemed to stretch on for miles. Y/N wondered what kind of geographical event could cause such a thing. Despite them finding no sign of the queen or their other companions, Herobrine had insisted that they remain within the chasm. Not only was it where the queen would have gone if she had come this way, he said, but it would also keep them safe while they searched for her.

Herobrine seemed to be taking even more care to ignore her now, Y/N noticed. He kept his conversations with her short, and sometimes failed to acknowledge her altogether. It hurt- but beyond that, it was just frustrating. They were wandering in the wilderness of a hostile dimension, trying to find their missing companions, with dwindling supplies and no backup. Whatever problem with her he may have, they needed to be able to communicate.

Y/N glanced to her left at Alex, who was studying her bandaged arm. If not for her, Y/N would have likely confronted him already, but she didn't want to cause a scene in front of their poor guide. So, she bit her tongue and swallowed her anger, letting Herobrine pretend that she didn't exist.

Trying to banish him from her thoughts - hard when he was walking right in front of her - Y/N again went over the queen's most likely movements in her head. Undoubtedly she had started off in a different direction that they had, since they had yet to find any sign of intelligent life. Their chances of running across them randomly were quite slim, but they could hardly turn back without them. So, they pressed on. At least the queen and her group had Tekno with them, who was native to the Nether - surely he could help them survive until help arrived.

Absorbed in her thoughts, Y/N noticed that Herobrine had stopped only just in time to keep from running straight into him. Blinking up at her surroundings, she soon realized what had made him stop - the ravine split in two.

"Ah..." Alex stepped forward, stopping on Y/N's left. "Where to now?" Herobrine looked from one path to the other.

"I'm not sure," He said slowly. "There's no sign of movement down either path."

"I don't think they've ever been down here at all," Y/N said, a note of irritation in her voice. "We should go back to the surface."

"It's safer here," Herobrine said in a clipped tone, focused on the fork in the road.

"It may be, but we're making no progress, and the queen takes precedence." Y/N pointed out. When she got no reply, she went on. "At least let me fly up and take a look at our surroundings-"

"No." Herobrine shut her down, glancing over his shoulder to train one blank eye on her. "That would reveal our location to any hostiles nearby."

"What hostiles?? We haven't seen a single person!!"

"And it's best if we keep it that way."

"The queen-"

"Has two valkyries and an Aetherian warrior with her." Herobrine interrupted. "She will be fine. In the meantime, it does neither her nor us any good to put ourselves in needless danger."

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