Chapter Six - Purple Eyes

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Herobrine prodded at the sling that held his right arm, then scowled.

"Why couldn't you give me wings?" He complained.

"Because you are not a valkyrie." Notch straightened up, setting aside a bag of medical supplies. "I could have given you wings, I just chose not to. What I did give you was common sense, and you chose not to use it."

"But they make it look so fun," Herobrine moaned, scrambling up from his seat as soon as Notch's back was turned and running to the window.

"You're lucky to have made it out of that with only a sprain. If-" Notch stumbled over his words momentarily when he realized that his patient had gone missing. "-if you intend to jump off the roof again, at least ensure that someone is there to catch you."

"Mmh..." Herobrine rested his good arm on the windowsill, gazing out through the glass at the floating islands and sunny skies beyond. Notch came up behind him, setting a hand on the boy's head and ruffling his hair.

"I understand." He told his young charge. "It's not fun to be excluded from an activity. But there are things that you can do that they can't, as well." Herobrine tilted his head back to look up at him, then lifted his good hand and a flame appeared in his palm.

"Like this?"

"Not indoors, please." Notch said hastily. "But, yes." He went on as the flame winked out. "Like that. Your teleportation, too."

"Yeah, well..." Herobrine plunked his chin down on his arm again. "Even Steven's powers are more fun than mine."

"You will gain nothing but discontent by comparing yourself to others, Herobrine." Notch told him. "You are unique and special in your own right, and nothing will ever change that. You may as well be at peace with it." Herobrine sighed, but didn't argue.

"Do I have to stay in here while my arm heals?" He finally asked. Notch considered this for a moment.

"No," he said at last, "But I will be assigning Aries to keep an eye on you and ensure that you do not jump off any more roofs." Herobrine made a face.



Y/N coasted over the uneven terrain, her sharp eyes scanning the basalt cliffs below her for any sign of the rest of their group. She had hoped that perhaps they would set up some kind of signal that would allow themselves to be found more easily, but she had yet to see anything of the sort. Maybe she was just looking in the wrong place.

Eventually, she was forced to turn back for fear of getting lost. Looping around a basalt pillar, she glided back the way she had come, and it only took about a minute for her landmark to come into view.

Herobrine and Alex were waiting for her at the base of the tallest warped mushroom. "Anything?" Herobrine asked as she landed.

"Not that I could tell, but I'm not particularly well-versed in tracking over this terrain." Y/N folded her wings, then paused to shake them out, attempting to dislodge the ash trapped between her feathers.

"I would hope that they would stay put anyway," Herobrine mused. "Unless they were in immediate danger. At the very least, we should assume that they got out of the forest."

"The nearest exit from the forest is that way." Y/N pointed out the direction. "Do you two still know where we are in relation to the capital?" Both her companions nodded.

"Alex, you are welcome to return to the castle if you wish." Herobrine addressed their young guide. "If Sirben should be behind this - as seems very likely - I will not be able to guarantee your safety." Alex gave a firm shake of her head.

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