Chapter Seven - Aching Hearts

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leave comments or I will cry myself to sleep. this isn't a threat, it's a promise


Trixtin lifted her boot from the clinging sand, frowning as it stuck to the sole like thick mud.

"Keep moving, your majesty." David urged her, pausing at her side. "The quicker we go, the less likely we are to get stuck."

"Oh. Delightful." Trixtin tugged her other boot free and kept going, grimacing at the way the sand sucked at her boots with every step. "Is that... a significant concern?"

"If all else fails, we can simply fly until we've left the valley." Phillip told her. "I wouldn't be alarmed."

"I'm not," Trixtin assured him. "I just don't relish the thought of doing the rest of this trek barefoot."

The queen and her escort had traveled in a straight line away from the warped forest where they had been attacked, and had eventually come across what David called a 'Soulsand Valley'. Trixtin was familiar with them, of course, but she had never been in one herself. It was shocking how cold it was here, compared to the rest of the Nether. Trixtin was glad to have brought along a thin cloak just in case.

While Phillip and David seemed comfortable with the drop in temperature, poor Meryl was struggling, her bare arms hugged tightly to her chest. Her sleeveless robes were built more for mobility than low temperatures. David had offered her his fur-lined cloak, but she had declined, saying that she would prefer to keep her wings free in case of emergency.

Trixtin exhaled softly. The young lady (technically she was older than Trixtin, but, comparatively...) had been visibly agitated since their encounter with the hoglins in the forest. Trixtin was fairly certain that it was due to her separation from Y/N, Phillip had told her that the pair were quite close. That aside, they were currently lost in the Nether, near where they suspected the man who had once killed Meryl and turned her into one of his puppets was lurking. She certainly had reason enough to be anxious.

The party crested at the top of one of the dunes, and David sighed at the sight of more sand, stretching out as far as the eye could see.

"We probably should've gone around the desert," He admitted. "It's not exactly the friendliest place to live."

"We can always go back," Phillip pointed out. David grunted.

"No use backtracking now."

"You seem very familiar with the Nether," Meryl said, her tone slightly exasperated. "Why don't you know the way back to the capitol?"

"Just because I'm from the Nether doesn't mean I know all of it." David defended himself. "I come from the east of the castle, and we left to the west. I don't have any idea where we are now."

"Clearly," Meryl muttered.

"Keep your chin up, Meryl." Trixtin tried to encourage her. "I'm sure we'll run across something of use eventually." Meryl shivered, tucking her arms tighter against her chest.

"I hope so." She murmured.


"So you were just- created, right?" Alex asked as she unrolled her bedroll. "Not born?"

"That's right." Y/N sat cross-legged on her own bedroll, a packet of rations resting in her lap.

"How- well, how old were you when you were created?" Alex paused. "I mean, well, physically."

"I understand," Y/N assured her. "Valkyries are created at approximately the developmental level of a five-year-old human. It may seem that it would be wiser to just create us as adults, so that we could immediately be trained to fight, but I've been told that Notch made that decision in order to give us time to grow and develop our personalities."

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