Chapter Ten - Bloodshed

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"Another regiment lost." Notch murmured sorrowfully, studying the report in front of him. "So much needless death..."

"What happened to them?" Steven asked from where he sat on his creator's left.

"I sent them to investigate unrest in the outer wilds of the Nether," Notch explained, glancing from Steven to his brother. "It was a massacre. Only three made it back to explain what happened."

"Why??" Herobrine sank into a chair on Notch's right, leaning in to get a look at the report. "Did they threaten the locals? Our men, I mean?"

"No, the village that they came to check on was being terrorized by a small army of bandits and mercenaries." Notch told them. "The valkyries came to defend them, but their opponents were far greater in number than our information had suggested. By the survivors' accounts, the town is gone." Herobrine shook his head, aghast.

"It seems that you are constantly dealing with this," Steven pointed out. "Every other week, some faction or other is getting into fights."

"That's because the Nether has no one society, no... government." Notch shook his head. "It is, as you said, dozens of warring factions, all clawing for whatever power that they can get their hands on. I am trying to manage it as well as I can with the valkyries, but I cannot force the factions to make peace with one another."

"What if you set up a ruler of your own?" Steven suggested. "And gave the piglins a good incentive to follow him?"

"It is... a possibility." Notch acknowledged. "But, even discounting the threat of assassination, the Nether is a very hostile and inhospitable place. I cannot think of anyone whom I would be willing to subject to such a role."

Herobrine, who had been silent for a few moments, suddenly spoke up. "I could do it."

"What?" Notch's gaze flashed up to meet his. "Hero, are you sure?"

"I would make a good fit, would I not?" Herobrine rose from his chair, gesturing grandly to make his point. "I'm immune to burning, which negates any danger from fire or lava. I can teleport, which can help me get out of unfavorable situations, and I can't be assassinated because I can't die." He shrugged. "It seems like a straightforward decision to me."

"Perhaps you would make a good fit physically," Steven spoke up. "But, Brine, are you sure you're prepared to be a king? Of a war-torn dimension, no less?"

"No," Herobrine admitted. "But I will have your guidance, would I not?" He looked to Notch, his blank eyes sparkling with excitement. "I am but an extension of your will." Notch observed him quietly for a few moments, considering this.

"I will think on it." He said at last. "Perhaps this is the answer we have been looking for." Herobrine nodded, looking down again to the stack of paper that rested on the table.

"If you should choose me, Notch," He said, "I swear I won't let you down."


"Y/N." The voice, accompanied by hands on her shoulders, slowly drew Y/N back from the depths of unconsciousness. A quiet groan escaped her - her body hurt - but it was quickly silenced by something cool that pressed against her lips. "Drink," The voice ordered. Obediently, Y/N opened her mouth and let a thin, salty liquid run down her throat.

The effect was almost immediate. The throbbing in her midsection began to fade, and her dazed mind started to clear. Scrunching up her face, she peeled one eye open, blinking a couple of times in the light before she was able to focus on Herobrine's face above her. As she watched, he broke into a small, relieved smile.

Fly, Phoenix, Fly - Herobrine x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon