★彡02|22 - "That was weird."彡★

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Y/n and Evie popped their heads out the door of the latter's room, checking for the coast to be clear before swiftly moving down the hall. Outside of the house, they met up with Jay, Carlos and Ben. Running around their feet in the darkness was Dude.

"Okay, great, Evie, you're—" Carlos cut himself off when he made eye contact with Y/n, thus realising that the girl was there. "Are you sure this is safe?"

Y/n sighed at the question being repeated but yet could not prevent the butterflies in her stomach when she saw how worried the boy was. "It may not be but I have enough faith in you guys."

Carlos' brows creased but before he could say anything more, Jay called out to them from a few steps ahead, saying they should hurry up.

Simply as that, they were on the move again.

"Jay, keys. Remote," Ben tossed the items necessary for their trip into Jay's hands.

"Wait!" Evie stopped everyone at the bottom of the stairs. "Something's wrong."

Y/n froze, her ears ringing. She exchanged quick glances with Carlos before looking everywhere around them. It was clear. There was nobody and nothing besides them and the limousine they'd be taking to the Isle.

Evie, instead of taking note of the panic she'd created, fixed Ben's hat. "There."

Y/n sighed, only to be startled again when Dude, the dog, called out, "Shotgun!"

Carlos turned, being the only one not completely bamboozled by the turn of events. "No, Dude, stay. The Isle is way too dangerous."

The remaining three humans glanced at each other. Jay was the one to voice what they were all thinking. "Did he just..."

"Talk?" Carlos finished for his friend. "Yeah, I know. Tell you later."

Jay nodded and walked towards the car, the rest following the lead. Jay and Carlos sat at the front, Jay being the driver, while Evie, Ben and Y/n piled in the back.

"Okay, once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage, got it?" Evie instructed.

Jay nodded. "Got it."

For a moment, there was silence, but then Y/n spoke up, picking at the loose thread on her jeans. She was a bit anxious not to have her bow but she knew it'd only draw attention and wouldn't be of any use in close combat. "That was weird."

"What?" Ben asked, a bit out of it. Probably because of worry.

"Dude talking," Y/n filled him in, using an isn't-it-obvious tone.

"Well, the only thing he did say—"

"He's a mutt!" Y/n exclaimed in bafflement, cutting Ben off. "He shouldn't be saying anything!"

At the front of the limousine, Carlos couldn't fight back a smile as he heard the girl talk. How he loved hearing her talk. And besides that, he finally had the moment to realise how well Isle-style clothes fit her as he glanced into the rear-view mirror.

Jay took note of the blissful expression on his friend's face. Having caught his gaze, the white-haired boy sighed. "Don't you even start."

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