★彡02|03 - "She sounds so sad."彡★

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Once again, Y/n's letter caused quite the stir back in Auradon. In fact, as soon as Evie stepped in through the door of the boys' room, Mal right behind her, while both of them wore serious expressions, Carlos almost dropped Dude.

"Is it here? Is she alright? Did something bad happen?" he questioned.

Evie smiled at the eagerness, thinking about how she could slip a hint into Y/n's letter about Carlos' quite possible affections towards the foreign princess. "I haven't opened it yet," the girl in blue answered, ripping open the envelope as she was speaking and folding open the letter.

The rest huddled around her.

A few minutes later, Carlos stepped away with a frown on her face. "She sounds so sad."

"She said she was fine," Mal argued.

"We said we were fine on the Isle," Carlos countered before turning to Evie. "Can I write this time? Please?"

"I'm sorry, brother," Jay apologized, lifting up a tourney outfit. "We have a game, remember?"

Carlos' shoulders sagged. "Right..." Then she turned to Evie. "Then at least make sure to—"

"—tell her that we miss her," Evie nodded, backing out the door. "Good luck on the game, guys!"

As soon as the door closed, Carlos plopped down onto his bed, staring at the ceiling in misery. "I don't think I want to play tourney anymore."

"What? Come on," Jay said incredulously, dragging her friend up. "You do want to. Right now you're just sad that you don't get to write to the girl you have a crush o—"

"I don't have a crush on her," Carlos denied, biting the inside of cheek. I do, don't I? I don't get why it doesn't go away when I don't see her...

Jay sighed, clapping a hand on Carlos' shoulder. "Whatever floats your boat. But come on, now. The trophy waits for nobody."

Carlos shook off his confusion. "Right."

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