★彡01|35 - "I'm gonna miss you." 彡★

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The next day, Y/n was woken by a knock on her door. "Y/n," a shaky voice called. "Y/n, it's Jane."

"Yeah?" the girl answered, pulling herself to sit with a yawn. "What is it, Jane?"

"My mother would like to see you before the lessons," Jane filled her in.

"I'll be there in a jiffy, thanks, Jane," she answered, laying back down when she heard the footsteps further. Why before the lessons, anyway, that would mean like... She glanced at the clock. Now! The girl sprung up, as if she'd been stung by a bee. I'm going to be so late!

The next few minutes brought Y/n a lot of worrying and running around the room, along with having to agree with a semi-normal hairstyle, but it also brought her a new morning getting-ready record. The girl rushed out the door, running down the halls to Fairy Godmother's office.

On the way, she bumped into Carlos. "Oh, good morning, Y/n," he grinned, holding out a sandwich. "I didn't see you at breakfast so I got you this."

"Oh, thanks, Carlos, you're a lifesaver," Y/n rushed out, giving the boy a quick hug. "And good morning, too."

With that, she rushed on, leaving a confused Carlos to go on his way.

Just a few minutes shy of the bell, Y/n arrived at Fairy Godmother's office. "Fairy Godmother, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Y/n," Fairy Godmother answered. "An urgent letter arrived for you this morning."

"Really?" the girl raised a brow. "From who?"

"Urgent, and also confidential," Fairy Godmother added, handing her the blank envelope. "I'd advise you to open it after classes, when you're alone."

"Right, thank you, Fairy Godmother," the girl nodded, stuffing the envelope randomly into her bag.

"Of course, Y/n," the woman smiled. "Have a good day, dear."

"You, too, Fairy Godmother," Y/n said, hurriedly exiting the office.

The bell rang. Y/n sighed, picking up the pace even more. Mr Williams is so going to give me extra homework!


"Oh, you guys have no idea how crazy this day has been," Y/n sighed, plopping down at lunch.

The four kids from the Isle sent her a look, Carlos being the first one to speak. "Speaking of that, where were you hurrying this morning? Weren't your classes the other way?"

"Fairy Godmother wanted to see me, which reminds me..." the girl started digging through her bag, her food forgotten for the moment. "Oh, here it is," she smiled, pulling out a slightly crumpled white envelope.

It turned out every one of the Isle kids had their separate reaction.

Jay, interested, asked, "What is it?"

Evie, concerned about Y/n and the way she presented herself to the world, asked, "Is that why you look like you didn't sleep well?"

Mal, interested in the letter, asked, "Why does it not have any address?"

And Carlos, concerned about the girl's well-being, said, "Y/n, you should eat."

Y/n ignored all of them, carefully opening the envelope before pulling the so-called urgent letter out. Her eyes flew over the lines, her heart rate picking up with every word and her brows furrowing as she bit the inside of her cheek in worry.

"What does it say?" Evie asked carefully.

Y/n had a start, as if she'd forgotten she was sitting with a group. She cleared her throat, not making eye contact. "It's my mom. She would've called but the North's cell service is down, the—" She swallowed the lump in her throat, taking a deep breath before continuing. "The inner conflict of Wonderland is threatening to evolve into a war and I, as crown princess, could be used as a pawn so she wants me home." She finally looked at the four with teary eyes and away from her food as she'd lost her appetite. "I'm leaving today with the messenger who brought the letter."

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