★彡01|06 - "You need any help with that?"彡★

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When Y/n woke up the next morning, she wasn't surprised to find her head slightly buzzing with an ache from not sleeping too well. It was to be expected, for it did that every time she wasn't well rested, but for some reason she'd hoped for a different outcome after her eventful walk the previous night.

Lonnie was already up and moving around, combing her hair and brushing her teeth. She gave Y/n a beaming smile. "Good morning! They stop serving breakfast at 8.30 and lessons start at nine sharp so you better get ready quickly."

Y/n yawned, nodding as she looked at the clock on the wall. It was somewhere around 7.57 and that was enough to make her bolt upright and temporarily forget the small ache behind her eyes.

Getting ready in record time, she was walking down the hallways of the dorm with Lonnie no sooner or later than ten minutes after waking up.

The first half of the day flew by and Y/n's last period before lunch was free and she decided to head to the library to study, so she'd have time to do whatever she wanted after the school day ended, and maybe get some rest. When she entered the room filled with bookshelves, she noticed that part of it had been converted into a classroom.

Curiously she seated herself near the door of the classroom, but not too near, and took out her materials, not quite focusing on the notes in front of her and instead listening in to the lesson in the room beside her, which, she picked up quickly, was remedial goodness 101.

"Correct, again," Fairy Godmother's ever-cheery voice drifted through the air.

"You are on fire, girl!" Carlos' voice rang, filled with an impressed tone.

Maleficent's daughter muttered something in response. Y/n leaned back in her chair to both see and hear better when...


"Oops," Y/n let out as stumbled over her chair and dropped whatever they were holding. Her royal upbringing not letting her down, she scrambled up from the chair, spinning to face the girl. "I'm so sorry," she gasped, dropping down to her knees in a quite un-lady-like manner and collecting the papers while the other girl just stood there, petrified. Y/n offered her a smile. "Here you go."

Y/n pretended not to notice the attention she'd drawn from the other room as she sat back down, sharpening her hearing as the other girl went to the temporary classroom, passing the Isle kids with a scared squeak.

"Oh. Hello, dear one," Fairy Godmother greeted the girl.

"Hi. You need to sign off an early dismissal for the coronation," the girl rushed out, giving herself no time to breathe, eyeing the Isle kids behind her warily.

From the corner of her eye Y/n saw how the girl in all purple elbowed Evie, who sat beside her, and they both looked at the pair in the front.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane?" Fairy Godmother asked, making small talk with the group.

"Mom, no!" the girl, Jane, gasped, more than ready to get out of the situation.

"It's okay," Fairy Godmother assured. "Jane, this is everyone."

"Hi," Jane let out. "That's okay. Don't mind me. As you were." She was failing terribly at keeping her voice in check.

Y/n almost smiled in pity, offering the trembling girl an encouraging smile as the latter walked out of the library.

Y/n leaned over her literature notes once again, this time actually trying to focus, seeing that the last time she tried listening in to the lesson beside her led her to draw unnecessary attention to herself. Still, she couldn't help but overhear what was going on in the room beside her.

"You find a vial of poison!" Fairy Godmother theatrically exclaimed. "Do you: a) put it in the king's wine? b) paint it on an apple? Or c) turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Y/n found it incredibly sad that such things were not common sense for the people on the Isle of the Lost, but, then again, it was the Isle of the Lost that was in question.

Jay answered the question correctly, which resulted in a childish fight, to no one's surprise. That led Fairy Godmother to tell the two boys that they should try out for the tourney team and soon after that little incident, Fairy Godmother let the four go to an early lunch.

When the four passed Y/n, their eyes lingered on her form because it had been pretty obvious that she was listening in on their lesson. But at that moment, she was engrossed in chemistry homework, her brows knitted with confusion and effort.

"Uh, you guys go on ahead," Carlos told the others. Jay raised his brows in question but the girls shrugged and kept walking, that prompting Jay to follow them.

Carlos walked over to the table where Y/n was at and plopped down across from her. "You need any help with that?"

"Uhh," Y/n stammered, a bit surprised at the boy's appearance. "Yes, please." She pushed her notes towards the boy. "I don't really understand anything I wrote down during the lesson," she admitted.

"But you've got amazing handwriting," Carlos pointed out, puzzled.

"Ah, not that part." Y/n's cheeks heated with embarrassment. "I meant the formulas and where what comes from. It's pretty confusing."

"Ah, alright, alright, let me see," Carlos nodded, pulling the notebook towards him. He hummed in thought, nodding to himself. "Right. So here..." He pointed to a place. "You did the conversion wrong. Otherwise I think it's all correct with the equations but the results are altered because you messed up a conversion."

"Oh," Y/n realized, taking the notebook and correcting the mistake. "That seems about right. Such a stupid mistake."

"Don't worry about it," Carlos shrugged, standing up. "I should go find the others."

Y/n nodded. "Thanks anyway."

Carlos smiled. "Of course." He looked away for a moment, contemplating his next words. "Y/n, I'd..."


"I know we're from the Isle and all but I'd really like to be your friend," Carlos confessed. "Even if the others don't think so."

Y/n smiled again, the boy's shy attitude a bit amusing but at the same time quite adorable. "That would be nice."

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