★彡02|13 - "I might not be who you remember me to be."彡★

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That weekend, Y/n was busy. Very busy, in fact, as she had so many people to greet and, frankly, so much gossip to catch up on. In the midst of all of that, she'd almost forgotten that she'd promised to meet up with Carlos, which was the reason she was running — and quite literally, too — late right now.

Panting, she reached the archery range, observing the white-haired boy from a few steps away. "Your form's got better," she complimented, pushing herself upright as she steadied her breathing.

Carlos turned, his eyes instantly lighting up. "Thank you!" His smile softened. "I know you're busy so thank you very much for coming out here with me."

"Ah, it's no biggie. You are my best friend," Y/n admitted, instantly pulling a face. "Don't tell Ash I said that."

Carlos let out a laugh despite the light aching in his chest. "I won't."

A few moments later, Y/n fell serious. "Carlos, I..."

"Yes?" the boy prompted, worry taking over his heart at the crestfallen expression on his friend's face. All at once, a dozen possibilities rushed through his head. Was something wrong? Did he do something? Did he do too little? Did something happen during those five — almost six — months and Y/n didn't want to be friends anymore? Did—

"I," Y/n started, looking off into the distance. Carlos immediately noticed that her eyes lacked the usual spark in them. It suddenly dawned on him that maybe Y/n'd been keeping up a facade for the entire time of her being back in Auradon. "I might not be who you remember me to be," Y/n confessed, her eyes now cast to the ground. "When I was away and with the war going on, I started to feel a responsibility to my people and I thought coming back would fix that. You know — friendships, making allies rather than enemies, all that stuff, but—"

A hand suddenly landed on her shoulder, making the princess look up in surprise. Carlos smiled softly. "It's alright, we're — I'm — not exactly who I was either." Gathering bits of courage, he brushed a lock of hair out of Y/n's face. "And it's okay. People change." He took a step away from the girl, both of them (unbeknownst to each other) suddenly missing the closeness. "And, if you'll allow me, I'll help you figure this out or figure yourself out." He breathed a laugh. "Or whatever it is you need to figure out, I'll help you."

Y/n's heart fluttered. Just the way he looked at her, the way his eyes lit up with hope and encouragement when he offered to help her... It was just about enough to make Y/n feel things she'd hoped she would be able to bury.

Despite that, she smiled. "Thank you, Carlos. I'd like that."

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