Chapter 18, Played

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Warning: Mention of abortion.

Hailey's POV

It was long months, Courtney was good at trying to get under my skin.. On the three days that Matt was in the office, she always wanted to be with him during lunch. If I had to bring something into his office, Courtney would either hang on him. While  she was doing that, she would try to put me down. Matt frowns at her, winking at me when she wasn't looking.

“Courtney, don't put Hailey down. She's a wonderful person and awesome worker.” Courtney scoffs at his words,

“She really didn't care for you if she's seeing Hunter after you broke up with her.” I now frown at him,

“I only see Hunter when my father invites him over. You should be more professional while you were here.” Courtney laughs,

“I am when I walk out of here. I just miss him so much especially when he's in Miami.” I nod and leave. I look at May when she comes back from lunch.

“Are you ready to go to lunch?”

She asks as Courtney  walks by, there was a strong scent of her perfume made me feel sick to my stomach. I rush into the ladies room, fearing I wouldn't make it.  I did and threw up whatever was in my stomach. Before I realize May was there holding my hair back. After I finish, I drink the water May gave me. I sit on the couch trying to regain my strength.

May sits beside me, with a worried face. She pulls out a box, handing it to me.

“Here I think you need this. You have been getting sick for the last week..” I couldn't believe what was on the box,

“You think i'm pregnant?” May nods with a small smile,

“It's just a thought. Something to out rule.”

I took the box into the stall, doing business. I put the cap on the end, coming out of the stall to wash my hands. We head back to our desks, I only go to classes two mornings a week. I put the stick in the drawer, getting to try and eat a little to put into my stomach.

I got engrossed with my work, that I forgot about the test. On break, May glances over to me.

“Do you know the results?” I gasp, realizes that I did forget about the test. I giggle,

“I got into the food and work. I forgot.”  I open the drawer, I gasp what I thought was going to be too loud. There were two lines. May's eyes widen,

“Pregnant! Matt's?”  I quietly nod, I shut the drawer. May puts her hand on my shoulder,

“You need to tell him. This might be a good way to get rid of Courtney.” Knowing that Andrew and Matt were together talking. I go to Andrew's office. I knock on the door,

“Come in.” I quietly open the door, walking in trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

“Sorry to interrupt the two of you. I need to tell you something serious.” Matt comes over to me kissing me lightly on the cheek,

“Have a seat and talk to us.” We sit on the couch, before we could say anything there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Courtney walks in, Matt and Andrew frown at her.

“What can I do for you? We're in a meeting.” Andrew states coldly,

“My work is done, I was wondering if Matt could take me home?” Matt deeply frowns,

“Could May take you home? We just started this meeting, not sure how long it'll be.”  Courtney huffs,

“Alright, call me later.” Matt nods,  I notice Andrew is texting someone. Then he speaks up,

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