Chapter 12, Rivals

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Matt's POV

I waited a couple of minutes, before I headed down to the lobby. I desired to give Hailey a little time to give her directness. I step off the elevator seeing the couple face to face. It looks intense, we lock eyes. Then I see a bright smile come over her face, as I clear my throat.

Finally Hunter turns around to see whom she was smiling at. I smirk at him, Hunter frowns at me, secretly desiring to laugh. Hailey walks over to me, this made him scowl.

“Hello, i'm Hunter Anderson.” He extends his hand, I shake it. Tighten my grip on his hand, firmly pulling him towards me. I whisper in his ear,

“Hunter, you can try all you want to take  her, but I have her heart.” Hunter softly chuckles,

“We'll see. I do care about Hailey. You won't see her during school hours. Who knows, maybe when you're in Miami you'll find someone else.” I had to laugh, I tried to not say I was quiet.

“Hailey and I have a year on you. We really love each other. Doesn't that bother you.” Hunter smirks at me,

“I got the approval of her father. What about you?” I smirk at him,

“Well, Hunter. you're part of a deal. Carson can't marry Anna, while I have to wait for Hailey to graduate. i've already married her once.” Hailey hearing our conversation pipes in,

“We may not be legally married right now, but in our hearts we are. I will not going to change my feelings. Sorry if this hurts your feelings. “ Hunter laughs at our words,

“Just a year, a lot can happen in that time.” I narrow my eyes at him,

“You're right. A lot can happen in that time. As of right now you're interfering in business time. Hailey is on the time clock, it's best that you leave now. And not return.”

Hunter gets into a mockery bow, before he leaves. I really want to punch him. I turn to the receptionist, with the security guards. I look at them sternly,

“That man's name is Hunter Anderson. He's not allowed in this building.”

Iris the receptionist writes down the name, putting it where anyone working that desk will know.

“Yes sir, I have the information  posted here where anyone can see it.” Iris states, one of the security guards Jeff pipes in.

“We'll escort him out every time he shows up.” I nod, as I take Hailey's hand as we head towards the elevators. Inside Hailey squeezes my hand,

“Well done, handsome. i'm proud of you.” I had to chuckle,

“I love you so very much, Baby. it's going to be a hard year. There's the urge to take you and secretly marry you.” Hailey's brows furrow a little,

“That's sweet, Matt. I’ll marry you in a heartbeat. But realistically, why don't we revisit this in six months. I don't desire anything with that douche bag.” I started to laugh,

“That's the only thing that keeps me from punching him. Douche bags don't do well with that “ Hailey shakes her head,

“Are we still on for tonight?” She asks quietly, I squeeze her hand warmly.

“Yes, we are. Do you have any idea where you would like to go?” Hailey thinks for a few moments,

“I'll let you pick.”

I smile at her answer, I had already made reservations to somewhere special. Hailey frowns at me, making me chuckle. I guide her to the lounge to show her a dress for tonight date. Hailey beams at the dress. Elegant and simple, is what she likes. It was a pale pink with simple lace. I told her the reservations were at 6pm. So around 5pm Andrew allowed Hailey to get off to change.

Hailey's POV

I get off at 5pm, May went with me to the lounge to assist me in getting ready for the date. As I take off my work clothes, May gets the dress ready asking.

“Do you know where you are going?” I stop for a moment, not knowing what to say due to not knowing myself.

“I honestly don't know. All he told me is that he has reservations. It doesn't matter to me. I just enjoy my time with Matt.” May helps me slip into the dress, smiling with approval. She puts my clothes into a bag,

“I'll wash your clothes and bring them back to you.” I slightly frown, May pats my shoulder.

“You'll learn quickly, serving coffee and food. it's wise to have an extra clothes here.” I nod,

“Thank you. Andrew told me that you would have a lot of wisdom to instill to me.” May looks at me looking emotional,

“That was very kind of you. Thank you.”

I give her a warm smile, as we head out of the lounge. There was Matt talking to Andrew, I all of sudden felt shy. Both men stop talking when they heard us come out of the lounge. Matt gives me his sexy warm smile,

“Hailey,  you really  look beautiful in that dress.” I could feel my cheeks growing warm, Andrew chuckles.

“Brother, you're making her blush.”

Matt arches his brow, the elevator opens up with Andrew's girlfriend walk out of it. I felt relieved to see Dana. She greets all of us. Then May excuses herself to leave, while Matt takes my hand.

“Let's head to my car. Andrew and Dsna will meet us there.” I nod as we head towards the elevator,

“Where are we heading?”  I see a sly smile coming from Matt,

“We have a reservation at Christopher’s.” My eyes grew wide, I was so surprise to hear that.

“I've always wondered what that place was like.” Matt hugs me snuggly,

“I wanted to treat you to the best. A special treat.”

I slightly giggle, I always feel special with Matt. He assists me into the car, after locking my seat belt he gets into the driver's seat. We take off towards the restraunt. I was so excited to try this new place. ****

Hailey's POV

Christoph’s was an upper class type of restaurant. i glance over to Matt, feeling insecure.

“Matt, am I dressed up enough for a place like this?” I ask timidly, Matt softly chuckles.
“Baby, you're beautiful tonight. i'm proud to have you on my arm, “

This reassures me, the one thing I admire in Matt. He gets out of the car, rushing over to open the door. Matt extends his hand to assist me out of the car. We walk hand in hand towards the door, there we met Andrew and Dana. There was a host who greeted us, he graciously led us to our table. This beautiful table was secluded enough where we could see the room.

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