Prologue, Young Love

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Hailey's POV

I'm a fairly even tempered teenage girl. I was 16, thought I had a wonderful life. My father Carson Morgan really loves me. Even calls me the apple of his eye, I even thought he was so in love with my mother.... Until my mother Heather become ill with a aggressive cancer, he stayed by her side. When she was so weak,  they hired a housekeeper named Anna.                        

Anna seemed nice and we all liked her, but Chance who is Chase  brought to my attention.. Proof that our father was having a affair with Anna, we agreed to not tell our mother for she  was so ill.  It was during this time I met Matthew Brown who was about to graduate and start to work at the family business Brown tech industries.

My father Carson wasn't real sure at first, I tried to reassure him.  I told him this,

“Father, you have enough to worry about, who knows where this relationship is going. i'm enjoying my time with him. He's older yes, I like the maturity that he shows.” My father smiles as he gives me a side hug.

“One thing I admire about you and Chance is that the two of you have good heads on your shoulders.  i'll try to trust  your judgement on this issue, I need to focus on your mother.”

 I had to shake my head, I didn't want to bring up that I knew about him and Anna. i'll deal with this after Mother passes. We all knew it was going to happen, but I wasn't sure of when. Matt was my rock during this time, I try to be strong. But Matt could see through to me,

On the  days when mother was very weak, since we were on school break. Chase and I spent a lot of time with her. One day, she was very weak, she asked Anna to get me and Chase known as Chance to come see her. We arrived immediately. I was scared at her appearance, I rush to her side.

“Mother, what's going on?” I plead with her, she gives us a weak smile. Chase and I  sit close to her.

“Children, I know what's going on with Carson and Anna. i'm okay with it. I know I don't have much time. You two need to know things.” Chase and I  give each other a knowing look,

“What is it mother?” I ask timidly,

“Chance, there is a lot you need to know. When the time is right, there's a chest in the closet in my study. I want you to have my study. In the chest are books with answers you'll need to know when it's time.” We were a little confused,

“I owe you both an apology. Please know that all i've ever known is that I love both of you deeply. I was not able to get pregnant. You were planned, Hailey. But you Chance, was planned by your father. You'll find out the truth later.” We hug mother lovingly,

“We love you very much, mother. What ever wrong you've done, you're forgiven. Don't worry about us.” Mother beams at these words, we continue to hold her. Mother struggles to breath, so we loosen our hold. She gives us a weak smile,

“I… love… both of…you…so…much.”

 Her words fade away, as she closes her eyes going limp. Chase and I gently lay her down. Chase rushes off to fetch the doctor. The doctor rushes in to check mother over, he checks her to only shakes his head. This tells me that she has passed away, I hear him tell father the news. Father rushes in with a look, that tells me to leave. I run out quickly. I go to my room in tears, a little while later I feel a gentle hand rubbing my back.

I turn over, to see Matt. I was relieved. He held me with no words, that's what I really needed at the time. Over the next few days, I spent as much time with Matt as I  could.

****Day of the Funeral****

I found a simple black dress that went  down to mid calf. I felt being conservative was the smart way to go. The men all wore black suits, since I was dating Matt father allowed him to ride in the limo with the family. The two part service was quiet and went smooth. Father spoke a few words trying to not break down. Charles refused because he was feeling emotional. Chase was asked to speak, but came over to me.

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