Chapter 5, Awakening

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Caleb's POV

I was in my study in the evening, finishing documents of a case that I won earlier in the day.  There was a knock on the door, I was concerned due to Dakota not feeling well.

“Come in.”

 I call out, as the door quietly opens to my surprise it's Chance. I exhale a breath of relief knowing that it wasn't Dakota. I wave him in, as he quietly shuts the door. I look at him, feeling slightly confused.

“What brings you too me this late at night, instead of sleeping? Are you concern about Carson's visit?” I ask concerned with tenderness,

“I am dreading this visit. I don't desire to go back with him.” I nod, sitting back in my chair.

“Carson called the office, Grant spoke with him. He, Jax and Anna are here at the Hotel.” Chance shakes his head,

“Is everything legally prepared to show him I can stay here?” I nod,

“Yes, who is Anna?” Chance frowns at my question,

“Anna was our housekeeper when Heather got sick. I think he had an affair with her, was more open after Heather died. Hailey says they will be getting married soon.” I frown at his words,

“What is this Anna like as a person?” I ask in interest in case I meet her tomorrow.

“Anna has acted like she was the lady of the house since Heather died. Just today she slapped twice on Hailey. They locked her in the bedroom. Carson whipped her twice with his belt. She's bruised.” I deeply frown at that, it shows me that Carson is out of control.

“This is showing me that Carson is out of control.” Chance is starting to chuckle,

“The more he tries to control, the more things get out of control.” I wasn't sure what to feel or think at this point,

“What are you trying to say?” I ask slowly,

“Take a look at this …”

Chance pulls out his phone, pulling up a picture. He hands me the phone. To my astonishment, it was a picture of a marriage license. I looked  at it closely…  it was one of Hailey Morgan and Matthew Brown. I was amazed, I look at Chance,

“Why do I think there's a story here?” Chance smiles at me,

“There is. After lunch today after Carson and Anna left, she slipped out of the window with Matt who she dated for over a year. He was going to be transferred down  here. So they got married, And they‘re on a honeymoon somewhere, before coming to this area.” I was amazed at this story,

“Does Carson know?” Chance smirks,

“Hailey called to say, she left a note after her dinner. They got married, she went back for dinner. Matt was in the bathroom, when grandmother left the dinner tray. They ate, waited until the tray up. Snuck out, left for the honeymoon.“  I could only shake my head.

“That means it'll be morning when they find the note. Therefore the trail will be cold. She's smart. Please let her know we’re here for her. The way he abused her, was uncalled for.” Chance nods,

“i'll let her know. I can understand why she wants to get away.” I clear my throat,

“What was making her so fearful?” I ask in interest,

“I believe she is fearful that if Carson comes back without me, he'll take his rage out on her.” I felt deeply concern,

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