Chapter 2, Word Exposition

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****Month Later****

Hailey's POV

We were right about Chance who is really Chase. They got him back to Miami legally. I overheard plans that Jax, Anna and Carson were going to head towards Miami, I facetime Chase.

“Hello Hailey, what's up?” Chase says,

Hey bro, i'm calling to give you guys heads up.” I see Chance frown, I mouth for him to put on the speaker. Chance puts the call on speaker, after he says.

“Hailey, if it's for all of us, may I put it on a speaker?” I hear Chance say, a few moments later he clicks the speaker on. Then we hear Hailey's voice,

“Chance, i'm calling to let you know that Carson just left to go to Jax's. With plans to head to Miami.”

I couldn't believe what I was hearing? I guess it was time for things to come to a head. I arch  my brow,

“Hailey, it's Uncle Caleb. Are you real sure about this?” Hailey clears her throat,

“Yes, Uncle Caleb. He's very unhappy  He doesn't like the fact I worked with Catlin, that caused Chance to leave.” I had to close my eyes in empathy, I clear my throat before speaking.

“Hailey, none of this is your fault. You were curious, that's all. You right a wrong. I know you love your father, but he is the one who has done wrong. There's not enough evidence to have him arrested, i'll let him be for now.” Chance looks at me nervousily,

“Then why is he coming now?” I exhale with frustration,

“i'm not sure why, other than to confront me, trying to convince you to go back.” I notice that Chance was trembling in anger, I hear Hailey chime in.

“Chance, as much as I love you, please don't come back.” Then we hear noise in the room,

“Who are you talking to Hailey?!” A loud voice booms,

“Father?” There was silence for a few moments,  then there was a ….


We hear Hailey cry out, then we hear Carson's voice aggressively booms out. Then we hear….


There was silence for another few moments, hearing whimpers from Hailey.

“Give me the phone.” We hear a cry from Hailey, then Chance calls out.

“Stop hurting her! She hasn't done anything wrong!” Carson lets out a evil laugh,

“Chance, I was hoping it was you!” I watch Chance scowl and growl,

“Leave her alone. What do you want?” Again Carson  laughs,

“What I want is when get I get to Miami, you need to be ready to come home.” I watch Chance shake his head,

“I am home. You took me from my parents, and you expect me to come back?” Carson clears his voice,

Chance, we loved you and raised you well. And this is how you repay us?”

A tear slips down Chance's cheek. I gently wipe it away, as Chance seems to swallow a lump in his throat. Then he speaks,

“Sorry, I need to go. I will not go back with you.”

 Chance disconnects the call, exhaling out a frustrating breath. I squeeze his shoulder, knowing that this conversation has really bother him. Tears fall fresh down his cheek,

“Why won't he let go of me. The grudge he has towards you, shouldn't be passed down to the children. We're innocent.”

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