Part 44: Ironic Isn't It

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4/21/2024 5:00pm

I'm such a little ball of pent up emotions
That when a girl walked in asking for an outlet I thought she was talking about her own
To punch them out
Or tell or vent
But she just needed to charge her computer I guess

5:03pm 4/22/2024
Isn't it ironic

Umm all I have to say is isn't it ironic
You rejected me
Then she rejected you
But I was direct and you
And you
I'm sorry ok
But I didn't do anything wrong
If you think I sabotaged then your dead wrong
I hoped it would work out for two hopeless romantics like us
I was rooting you on from the stands
Yet I feel the anger through your lens
Of the texts that you sent
Bro I'm sorry but your just friends
And that's ok cause I let go
Now it's your turn
Harder than it looks I know.
I threw myself into work
Got out my punches at the gym,
Poured my emotions into poems
So I wouldn't feel any certain way towards him
You know what I said to myself yesterday
Chin up,
Let's go
You don't need to like someone to be whole
And you know what
When it's all said and done
Wether I still have a crush on you or not hun
I'm done
With relying on anything else
I'm hopeful and stealth full and don't know what else
Cause life is short
So tell her yourself
I'm not your third wheel
Your middle man
Your Achilles heel
I'm your wingwoman
With quads of steel
And however she made you feel that's how she made you feel so god dammit but don't blame it on me

Man guy best friends are tough
When our  friend-groups a triangle of us three

There  she rejected you
And you rejected me
See how silly
Can't we just laugh
Come on now put on a lavender bath
Life sucks sometimes but I've managed
Your stronger than this petty drama relationship crush spiraling baggage
That's it alright Beck
So come on and lift your head
Get the fuck up and dust yourself off
Yeah I cried for a moment then I journaled self love. And now I don't need you or like you in that way (maybe) so now it's your turn
I believe in you
Now don't get all messed up over a lady.  Plus. Bitch you guys can still be friends. Isn't that what you said to me when you put my wild ideas to an ends.
Idk what else to say
But never put me in the middle again ok?

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