Part:20 An Allegory of Light

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The white crease the chaffing thighs
Drool and sweat from mouth and eyes and tired as I am surrounded by lies
Comforting my playhouse
Of props and antiques
Wonder how I work
Get the machanique
Lone wolf
Shattered bones
Icy spring
Low woes
Atoned for thier worries
Exhersion and sin.
Breathe in breathe out a worried sigh
The lord is backpedaling what I'm to find
Strapped to one place
Allegory of light
Shadows are dancing
In my eyes
At night.

And it shocked me
The moon was a bright yellow
A night light
Making lonely hearts yearn
And content minded wake
Where it should've been pitch black a comforting surprise
As the moon lit up the entire night sky.
The clouds like fluorescent mirrors and sheets
Covering land
Guiding lost sailors with mist in thier lungs
Mold in their souls
Rotting away
A beacon
A light house
Taking many forms.
For tonight it's a round flashlight
Screaming louder than words
A picture
An essence
The light bleads in blues
And blends in blacks
In grey shadowed hues.
And zack Bryan on que.
Driving towards tomorrow
What awaits behind that door
I know not of the unknown
But tomorrow's the eve before 2024.
Goodnight to the sun
Good morning to orian
Goodnight to the past
Good morning
To the night.


What is this string we're relentlessly holding on to
What is this lead and where does it go
We're not solving anything
What is this for
Closing a book we never even opened.
What is this feeling we're endlessly chasing
What is this script without dialog or plot
What is this hunt you've sent us on. We know how it ends
With one of us hurt
Plans for the weekend.
No plans at all
plans for the weekdays
Will you go when I call
Is it really true
What are you chasing
The idea in your mind of me is what's breathtaking
I'm wondering how
I'm wondering why
If you want to see me so bad
Why do you go days
Without even snapping hi?
I have your number
Had it for two years
Yet you've still never texted me
What do you fear.
Because I fear much more hanging out like this
After silence
No talking
Your the one that will miss
When you step up to bat
Why do I feel flung
Around onto the stands
Where onlookers can judge
He's just trouble
Please don't prove them right
Why am I the only one who sees the sweet side
It's your charisma that keeps me writing at night
It's the twang in your voice
It's the hope in the air
But whenever I breathe it in
I breathe out despair.
We haven't even seen each other yet this I know is true
One way or the other
You always told me
I'm too good for

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