Part 2: Past Waves & Change

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Waves of the past

Lonesome sand
Waves of my past
Coming back to drown me
Tsunami of emotion
A frozen merciless  plight
Swimming for eternity
Ghasping for my life


Tea shop

I worry I'm losing my spark
Yet it pours sparkling out of me.
In silent tension, light grey tea,
Scary past look up
Shoulders back
Pretend bitter is sweet
A fake smile through your tortured thoughts
Boiling up a kettle pot
Decorations without fault
Deviation or shredded up
Want to rip their fragile pictures
Shred the curtains, glass, and scriptures. Put seen scratches in the wooden floor, be a cat destroy without repour
All on instinct from poignant to shreds
Living in a tea house so lightly I must tread eyes up,
Hands crossed,
Shoulders back,
Silent loss,
Perfect placing of silverware I throw in the disposal
They'll be shards to spare
Freedom thrives  in disapproval

Yesturday I took the first breath of fall. 9/13/2023.
Yesterday I smelt the change of the leaves. The splashes of puddles, the grassy valleys coating the school. 
Yesterday I smelt the crisp of a golden leaf crunched under my boots. The nostalgic wood chips on that old elementary school playground. The seeds planted and hot tea cooled. Splashed into the air like cider and autumn food. Cinnamon donuts from a farm upstate. Markets and animals fare just the same.
And into my lungs a guitar of apples and jazz plucking the strings of my brain to the braz tunnels and tubes, outlining a room,
coffee and chai ready to fly. 
A cool breeze from the mountains floating on in.
Slapping my face with a brand new flame a favorite season
where it's all a game.
Haunted pumpkin patches midnight striking matches, fluffy blankets cover you cold.

Cause yesterday I breathed my first breath of fall snow

Friday night

I was raised in the cold
It's been a while.
A wolf in the night
It's been some time
Am I happy
On my own
No need to vent.
I'm running at parallel lines
Best friends in similar paridighms
Making me more secure in myself
I feel distant from everyone else
Shooting stars in the night
It's been a while.
Orians belt hugging me tight
It's been a while.
For autumn constellations don't show winter ones at night
Waiting for that path guiding me to light.
It's been a while,
Since I've been happy
On my own
A lone wolf
With a smile

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