Part: 27 New Home ✨

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2/15/2024 9:33pm

I get all of the broken bones but what about my broken art.
Splatters of paint along the walls you ripped my picture I've gotta re start
Heart fakes heart breaks earth quakes a tsunami in your wake you mother fucking narcissist who has too much free time
Get the hell off your ass and stop criticizing mine
Fines are billed your way
Not here to stay
Next time you call I'm hanging up ok
This isn't funny
Isnt sweet
You can't just schedule me without me knowing for a meet
No with him I didn't sleep
Mind your fucking business
I'll eat what I please
Don't give a fuck about your fasting ass tease of a diet you'll yell about in days
You said my anger was just a phase
To dissolution those who'd try to save
The broken abused girl crying to her master like a workaholic broken slave
Hit, and whipped by words and blades
Starved and broken day after day
Yet you have the audacity to call me for hours on end and say
I've failed picking apart every thought, action, sentence day after day after day ok.
I'm so fucking done
I just want to scream
I stay silent in the mornings
But my nightmares are mean
Scarring me
Chasing me there's no escape
From an abusive narcissist mother
And the people pleasing daughter she birthed one day. 


2:00am 2/16/2024

After a day
After racking my brain
After schoolwork and ankle pain
After longing and sadness hearts
A pinkish sweet wait
Your passionate mouth is all I could taste
Forehead kisses
Future wishes
But just for tonight
We danced.
And we danced
And danced
You treated me right
I left you a message
Had to leave in a flight
Cinderella and prince charming
I'll forever remember this beautiful night
The second bridge of Empire State of mind came into play and I heard nothing
I felt everything
Breathing on to the silence you'd say.
Boy when I met you you took my breath away
Sparks carve the sky
dazzling through the night
Our lips blaze away
And paint a portrait of sparklers running wild
For the entire night after a harsh day
I couldn't help but smile


2/18/2024 2:22am
My lips are your new home
They smile when they're alone
But when with you thier warm and soft
A prince to hype the princess up
Singing songs and twirling me
Travel across tranquility
And through time and space you'll finally be.
Home on the lips of one you'll meet
Not knowing where this will go
But you traversed all this way to meet me so
You and I were the only two in the room
And now I feel my lips home is with only with you.

2/19/2024 12:56am

When I kiss your lips I wonder where you've been all my life, when I scratch your back I breathe in your sighs
When i start talking you know just how to shut me up
And when it comes to movies sometimes we like to make stuff up
I don't want to spoil this ending
Tell me never what will happen
In the moment let me live
In the opening credits what I'd give
Can this please just last forever
Staring at the ceiling a giddy letter
Saying that you want to know I'm ok
Say it again and again it's hotter that way.  It might be late. Cause I was with myself on that date but happy belated Valentine's Day.

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