73: 𝑇𝑒𝑎

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"Hey... Uncle Yagi?" Kira said nervously, sticking her head into the teachers lounge. It was smaller than the one upstairs. Just a few couches and a table with a tea pot.

All Might coughed slightly. "Oh! Kira hello! Do you need something?" The man asked, standing up from the couch. He was in his smallest form. Completely unprepared. He blew himself up and prayed to heaven she didn't realize what just happened.

"I need to talk to you... I need to... I need to tell you something." Kira said.

To say she was nervous was an understatement.

Sure she trusted that All Might wasn't going to kidnap her or sell her to anyone. But he was her guardian and she had been lying to him for years.

Longer than she had lied to Bakugou. And look where that got them.

All Might could take everything away from her. He could pull her from school. Actually he already was, she realized when glancing at the paperwork he was filing.

But He could also take away her allowance and even Miso. He had been mad at her earlier for simply skipping school. But keeping this from him for so long?

But she had to tell him. And now. Midoriya was planning on asking him about it and snitching in the process, Kira didn't know how long Bakugou could keep him away.

"Of course! Yes of course!" All Might said nervously. "Okay maybe she didn't see it. I'm in the clear..."

Kira wondered how she was supposed to even start. Was she supposed to just... Say it? Just rip off the band-aid or something?

She bit her lip. Thinking over her words until she had an idea.

"I know about One for all." Kira said simply. Instead of starting with her secret. Why not start with one of his?

He stared at her. His mind had gone completely insane from shock and fear and disbelief. "What... What do you mean? I don't understand." He said, deciding to play dumb.

"Your quirk. The one you're giving to Midoriya. I know it all. How it's passed down from user to user, how it's supposed to destroy a super villain known as All for One. The man who killed your former teacher and almost killed you."

He opened his mouth to say something but she didn't let him.

"I know that you considered giving it to me."

"I know that Midoriya is currently it's wielder, that you've been training him since last year."

"I know that you're scared he isn't ready for the danger he's in."

"I know that you won't be able to stay a pro for much longer."

"I know you can't hold your hero form for more than three hours, less if you've been fighting."

"I know your former sidekick told you that you're going to die soon if you keep this up."

"I know that I'm not supposed to know any of this... But I have known for years."

All Might stared at her in shock. But Kira wasn't done yet. She had been hoping to do this calmly. To do this maturely. So he'd have no choice but to take her seriously.

But she just couldn't.

Kira's voice trembled a little bit.

"I know you can't look at me without seeing mom."

"I know the reason you don't want me to be with anyone but Midoriya is because Mom had me with Dad when she was too young and you don't trust me to not make the same mistakes. That you trust Midoriya to be better than me. Than us."

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