2: 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐶𝑎𝑠𝑒

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Kira closed the door to her apartment, she slipped off her shoes and grabbed a soda before plopping on the couch and turning on the TV. The news played and she rolled her eyes.
She wasn't interested in the news.

Though she was glad that her neighbors weren't home. The wife was at work and her husband was on "Business trip" the business being an attractive young blonde.
Keila normally would feel inclined to let the women know, but her neighbor just so happened to be going out with her boss. So in her opinion those two assholes deserved each other.

The news caster droned on as Kira looked around for her remote. "Number one hero All Might returns to Musutafu Japan and saves-"

"What an asshole." She mumbled, changing channels to her favorite murder mystery series. Uninterested in the news about the number one hero.

She stayed up almost all night, unable to get much rest due too her insomnia. As the world got quieter her quirk expanded to latch onto any thoughts it could.

"All might, a UA teacher huh? That's interesting."

She couldn't tell how far away the thought was. But it was faint.

"Next year is going to be a good year."

She ignored the thought as her consciousness slowly faded. She didn't bother wondering what the voice meant. It wasn't any of her business anyways, probably just a middle schooler with dreams of meeting All Might.


"Now, with graduation coming up it's time you all start to think about your futures. I know many of you would like to enter the hero course." The teacher droned on. "With an unfortunate amount of you being girls."

"But I suggest you really think about your capabilities before setting your sights on just one highschool. It is always a good idea to have a backup." He insisted. Kira already knew what school she was going to. Though she didn't remember the name, it was some preppy school her Uncle had picked out. It didn't make much difference to her though.

"I have already been recommended for the UA hero course." Momo said, raising her hand with a smile. "There will likely be no need for a backup school."

"Literally no one asked."

"Show off."

Her classmates thoughts mirrored Kira's own. What was the point in saying that?

"Oh I hope they don't think I'm showing off. I was simply informing the teacher that I didn't need to choose a back up school. Though maybe I should just in case. But father said I am guaranteed to get in, even if just to general studies."

"Very nice Yayorozu. And I'm assuming you also have gotten into UA as well, Tenya Iida?" "I really wish he wasn't leaving, he's the only child here I can stand."

"No sir, I will be taking the public exams like my brother did. I've rejected my recommendations." Iida said stiffly.
"It's what my brother and father did before me. In order to be just like them I must follow their footsteps exactly. I must get into the hero course, become class representative, win the sports festival..."

Kira tried to tune out him as he listed off all of his brother and father's accomplishments. Silently tapping her fingers and her mildly sexist teacher went on and on about all available careers.
"This is such a promising class. Except that Kokoa girl, though her grades aren't bad. I'm sure she cheats somehow..." The teacher thought, eyes flicking to Kira.

You might think she cheats because she's a mind reader. If so you probably don't really understand how her quirk works.

She can't filter out anything and focusing on one person's thoughts in particular in a full classroom is nearby impossible unless she's touching them. Touch amplifies the voice of someone's thoughts and makes it easier to latch onto. But it has to be skin on skin contact.
If someone's thoughts are on her in particular its also louder than the rest.

So basically it's like standing in a room with everyone screaming different things and different answers while trying to figure out the single correct one.

It's not easy. So she tries her best to figure it out on her own while her headached severely. Which is why people like Momo Yayorozu assumed she was "academically impaired" or rather: Dumb.

That's why when class was dismissed the girl flipped her ponytail over her shoulders and matched over to Kira.
"There she is! She definitely seemed to be struggling in class today! She definitely needs my help- oh mother would be so proud of me!"

Kokoa deadpanned and quickly packed up her things. 'I'm her charity case.' She thought sarcastically.

"Kokoa! Hello! Kokoa!" She stepped infront of her.

"Sup." Kira said with mild annoyance.

"I've noticed you've been erm... Struggling slightly in classes." She said with a polite smile. "I was wondering if maybe you'd allow me to personally tutor you!"
"She'll say yes, oh I hope it won't be too difficult for me to teach her."

Kira's eye twitched in annoyance as she slung her bag over her shoulder.
"That isn't-"

"What a wonderful idea Yayorozu!" Their teacher clapped suddenly from behind them. "How kind of you!"

"Oh thank you sir, I'm just trying to help my fellow classmates sir. That's all." She said humbly. "He noticed! Maybe he'll put a note on my permanent record saying I was a tutor! UA will definitely appreciate that!"

"What a pretty girl, she'd make an excellent wife." The teacher thought.

'Pedo.' Kira mentally responded.

"Well it's settled then!" The teacher said.

'Do I really not get a say in this?'
Kira wondered.

"Remember the library is always open after classes until five! You can even book personal study rooms!" He said.

'Hell no, people fuck in those rooms.' Kira wrinkled her nose up in disgust. Not that the teacher knew that, well with the librarian and the gym teacher being the exception. But even THEY didn't know the students did it.

"That sounds lovely!" Momo clapped with a smile. "Thank you Sir!" She said. "I'll book one for after class tomorrow right now!"

Kira briefly considered just... Not showing up and she might actually do just that.

"How about you give me your number! So we can keep in touch!" Momo said, turning to Kira.

'Great, now she can bother me ANYTIME.'
Kira thought as she told the other girl her phone number.

"May I also have your number?" Kira obviously knew that Iida was still in the room.

"Mine? Oh how flattering."
Momo thought until she realized Iida was looking at Kira.

'I don't think I'm in a situation where I can do no without severely hurting his feelings can I?' Kira thought before telling him as well.

"I want to thank you again for yesterday."
He bowed.

"Jeez dude that's like the third time. You're really making me regret it." Kira told him, scrunching up her nose.

"It's kind of amusing when she scrunches up her nose like that. Like a bunny. She's a beautiful girl up close." Iida thought fondly.

'Oh god he's starting to like me.' Kila panicked inside. 'Have I not been rude enough to him?! Man yesterday screwed everything up, I was almost though middle school and now look.' Kira suppressed a groan.

"She doesn't seem to take gratitude or kindness very well. She's extremely defensive, probably assumes everyone is out to get her. What a poor dear. Maybe we can be friends and I can fix her mindset." Momo thought with a quiet smile.

'Who TF are you?! Bob the builder? I refuse to let you fix me. I'll lose my mysterious vibe.' Kira thought with a sigh. "This is why I don't like people."

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