45: 𝐺𝑜𝑡 𝑖𝑡?

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Kira always had good control over her emotions. She rarely had outbursts of anger or sadness. That's what made her so different from Bakugou, Bakugou had very little control over his emotions.

But right now Kira was more angry than she ever had been. She had left Bakugou for about ten minutes to go to the nurses office. Only to come back and find half the class ganging up on the poor guy. And they were doing it because they thought they were protecting HER. So needless to say she was pissed off.

She had actually been listening for quite a while and she could pick up on the rest of the story from everyone's thoughts. Midoriya was claiming that Bakugou hit her then he spiraled, saying Bakugou was isolating her from everyone else so he could get away with hurting her. He also told everyone she was an orphan and the weakest in the class.

While both of the last things were probably true it was definitely out of pocket. The moment she showed herself everyone stopped and stared at her.

"Oh my God it's true!! Look at her eye..."

"Kira's here... Maybe she can explain things... But she IS hurt right? But Bakugou admitted to that, he just said he didn't do it."

"No her poor pretty face..."

"That looks bad, but it doesn't look like someone hit her. It's too small, not as big as a fist or something. Bakugou's calmed down a little bit after seeing her... But why would Midoriya lie about this? Maybe he saw something and got confused?"

"Oh no her eye! That bastard! How dare he hurt her. And claim I had the hots for her... Whatever that means..."

"She's here... I want to leave. I just want to get out of here. I can't breathe... I can't see straight... I don't want to cry infront of all of these people... Please Kira, tell them what happened...."

Kira was so unspeakably angry right now. She was also baffled at how stupid Midoriya had been. What was he expecting to happen once she showed up? Did he actually think she'd be stupid enough to not clear up what happened?! Or was he just angry for no reason and taking it out on them?

She didn't care.

Kira walked up behind Midoriya, who had his back to the door. She set her icepack on the desk behind Midoriya and took a sip out of her apple juice.

"I think maybe we should tell Mr Aizawa about this..." Midoriya suggested. No one responded to him, they were all staring at her. That's when he picked up on the fact that someone else was here.
"She's behind me isn't she?"

Kira tapped his shoulder and he turned around. Kira after seeing his dumb face decided that controlling your anger was for the weak.

She swung her arm and her fist collided with his mouth. It was so hard and so surprising he was knocked down from the blow. He fell on his ass and his back hit the desk behind him, pushing it backwards.

"Holy fuck-"

"She hit him- is he alright?! That looked really hard."

"Oh God- what should I do?! Should I hold her back... Or check on Midoriya?! Or go find an adult? Or just try to defuse the situation."

"Did she just... Punch someone for me?"

"Oh my God is he okay?! Why the hell would she do that?!"

"Is she mad Because he called her weak?"

Kira rubbed her hand but didn't move to hit him again. Midoriya got up and Bakugou immediately pulled away from a very shocked Kirishima and stood to stand protectively infront of her. Just in case Midoriya retaliated.

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