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after a scrumtpous strawberry shortcake on the kitchen table, lian decided to attend to his business back underground and into the castle where the elders convened. he needs to straighten out that old one before he needs to wipe out his whole clan for reasons like treason. its not how his predecessor trained him to be as king but if ensures his singers safety, he wouldnt do it half a mind.

leaving, lian left his trusted group of shadow army to guard his singer. now that theyre official, he wouldnt do anything that he would regret like those stories he heard about what happened to the mates of the alphas in his family. if he can help it, he wouldnt take any risk.

"bye, love. see you later. just let a shout if you need anything. my people are listening so try your best to annoy them." lian said kissing his singers cheek in goodbye.

"youre joking, right?" kuea looked at his mate seeking any mischievous intent on that but all he could see was the seriousness of his face that tells nothing but true. "oh, youre serious?"

"yeah, give them hell. its their job." lian walked away grinning at his blunder. he knows kuea wouldnt do anything thata would really bother other people other than him. but is lian really that sure?

"ensure his safety. do his will. whatever it might be." lian uttered in a command when he went out of the door. he knew the army is listening and its their head and family that will be on the line if theres going to be hiccups.

a flash of different agreement gestures passed through every crevice of shadowed area of the hall. fangs, eyes and strengthened nails. as silent as they could be. theyre shadows, theyre there and theyre not. thats how their training was and still are. their training regime do not end. after what happened to the mates before, their sets was intensified. of course, these are not for naught. their family benefits for all the hardship they went through. their kids are on full scholarship on any school they want. their immediate family will be well fed all their entire life while they were in service. lian guessed its not a bad compensation when he learned about this during his training.

lian covers three big 'organizations' now but his father, arius, still hangs around whenever he needed back up but let lian take the reign of all final decisions. the shadow knights, the mafia, and the vampire clan, so far alls been well and the business is flourishing but these dead bats dont have a clue of it. lian think its time to let them know who has the whip in this clan.

though he originally intends to tackle the underground first, he had to deal with the old councilman first.

"ready the cars, im going to the castle."

a few moments passed, lian found himself seated behind his armored car convoyed by 2 other cars. he doesnt know who came with him but he knows no shadow betrays their master unless they want to wipe their entire family before their very eyes at least. theres cases like that. spies paid by ungreatful young brats who knows nothing about the world yet but as if they want to rule, they tried these unthinkable deeds. these brat, the spies and their family faced the core because of it much to his emperors and some mates delight to have something to play on.

yes, his familys that derranged in light of disloyalty and betrayal but not without good reason. its without order if theres no punishments to be made. the sweat and blood that had established this united society with the humans had been thoroughly and heavily been scrutinized by each and every supernatural groupsnin existence. granny gulf and granpa mew fought hard, high and low to pursue peace, understanding and freedom to all supernaturals in the human society. sure it comes with conditions, adjustments and new laws to make but the result was how this society now thrives. parents from supernatural community can send their kids to schools they had feared before. adults can freely be in the outside world, be in business, work or liesurely about without inhibitions and worries about to be persecuted without judgment by humans and human laws.

many was still unsure but clearly, you cant please everyone. deeply rooted conservative upper class snots still wants to instill ancient thoughts and undocumented facts to their younger generations. yes traditions were kept and honored but times change and flows, should they be stagnant and be ignorant of the worlds gifts that humans tend to regard off as nothing but to a closed off society was everything?

sure laws are not finite and can be amended through timr but not without reason. if it cannot be beneficial to both sides, his uncle liam and his team with the emperor surely contest to it.

when kuea saw lians back walking away out of the house, he made his way to the library. though still a bit sore, he cant be bothered to stay put and do nothing. books are now his pastime and so far hes been learning so many things.

as he passed through the hall, he caught sight of his neck and saw the marks that his mate made on him. the hickeys are still thete but slightly visible now but the bite where his mate made him his, is still angry red. its not that painful to touch anymore but to anyone that could see, its brutal.

kuea just smiled and moved on towards the library and even though he assumed to be alone the whole day, there sat a friendly face with a wide smile.

"hi, dear. come seat with me." he said offering an open arm to him.

kuea feeling nothing dangerous about him, came to his embrace and just like that encased him in a warm motherly hug he came to like best.

"youre not even surprised, dear."

"i dont even know what compels me to be so eager to come here today."

"sorry i called out to you when lian left. i know securitys tight but theyre nothing to me." the man giggled and this made kuea at ease to him.

"so, what brings you here today, granny?" kuea asked trying to be casual and familiar. he hopes hes not being rude.

"so cute." gulf caressed his new sons supple face. "just checking up on you dear. the mates are restless when they felt the connection to you and wanted to barge in here to check up on you."

"that quick?"

"yes, dear. familys more important than anything. not eben all tbe gold that this world could offer."

"thank you for... for having me, then, granny."

"really, dear, if youre not lians mate im really going to bite that cute face of yours. enough with the chatty. so, whenever lians out, you come here and ill be here waiting for you for your training."

"training granny?"

"yes, dear. ethan did it with me at some point and put his feet down when hes had enough but see what happened before and now hes getting some refresher course. hes not happy about it but still he did so since he knows it not just for his sake. now its your turn. im kind but im ruthless as a teacher. so up, up and get these books from the shelves."

kuea scram on his feet, sore and all, and went to the shelves with the list with him. its all new to him to have some company other than lian but the thought of learning so much more from granny gulf himself made him more eager.

"report." lian said over the line at midday. he cant get in touch with his singer through his phone but he knows hes fine. happy even.

"hes been cooped up in the library, my lord and hes talking with someone. we tried to pry open the library but it was sealed. not locked, my lord, but sealed."

"noted. thanks."

"granny, whatre you up to?" lian just sighed. as ling as his singers fine and even happy, hes contented but his company however, its unpredictable.

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