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kuea nodded.

lian stroked himself more with kuea slick and aligned himself on his entrance.

lian was about to push himself in, when a pair of hands held his arm. he abruptly looked at his singer.

"will... will it hurt?"

"maybe... yes... no... i promise ill help you, love." the wait was too intense. lian leaned over kuea and braced him. he eased himself in.

"aaah..." came a low shriek of pain from his singer. feeling the other gather himself, he pushed himself more in. "yan...." kueas already gripping his biceps a bit too hard as kuea ride on the slashing pain beneath him.

"a little bit more, dear."


lian pushed himself more until to his hilt. "im in, love. you okay? im not gonna move until you say so."

"it... hurts... big... hmmm..." lian saw kuea uttering these with his eyes closed with tears trailing his blushing face. hes all flushed.

"oh my dear goddess." lian could not believe the sight. the most precious sight of his singer beneath him as he claimed him his.

"yan... yan..."kuea grabbed lian around the shoulder trapping the other on him. "mmm... scared..."

"im here, love. its okay."


"would you like me to pull out?"

"y..." thinking, kuea found no reason to let his mate pull out of him. he steeled his resolve to give himself to the man who saved him, the man who is destined to be his, the man who gave him his second life, to the man he love the most, his world, his everything, his lian. "n-no... no..."

"but you said it hurts... i dont want to hurt you in any way, my love." lian looked down at his singer and saw his already streaming tears but the stare that he gave to him, made him want to devour the boy.


"im not gonna stop anytime soon, love... im sorry..."

lian slightly pulled himself out and slammed himself in. the sensation was tremendous. the wetness of his omega singer engulf his manhood to the highest ecstasy. the monster inside him that was so restrained in the past weeks struggles to break free from the weakening chain. would he allow it? would he take the risk to break him free of all restraint and claim the singer that he had longed for all of his infinite life?

the wet slaps everytime lian dug himself deeper on kueas crevices surrounded the whole room. fighting for the little restraint he had left, he tends to control his primal needs but... the scent of need from his singer... lians head slowly clouded over. he pushed kueas leg over his shoulders and drive himself over kuea, making the boy open to all of lians unforgiving gyrating and slams.

"kuea... mine..."

"yan... aaaahh... ahhhh!... nghhhhh! mmmm!" kuea cant stitch a coherent sentence for the way he was feeling. he was being filled over and over again. it hurts but at the same time the pleasure that resonates from his hole up to the very tips of his hair became so addicting, he couldnt let go of his mates body over him. the weight that his mate put on him, not only ground him but made him feel secured, safe, and real. that this sensation is real, the deed is real, that his mate is real. like what the mates had told him, this is not a necessity but the security and calmness that one will feel after being claimed by the one we love, is fulfilling. its like a missing puzzle piece finally put into place. that this person is yours and was fit to be yours.

"yan... yan... something... its... its coming... out.... again... again..."

"im nearing as well."

"claim me." music to lians ears and he has every bit of intention to do so.

"have me, love."

lian pressed his singer to the crook of his neck and let his fangs, venom at the ready, penetrate the bulging vein on kueas neck as he came inside him straining his legs to push himself more deeper in him. the exhilaration that he felt run the course of his entire body. he can feel as he pumps venom into his singers body together with the sweet pang of blood that came with it. he knew that it would cause no harm to him since he knew hes the real deal otherwise, come morning, hell turn to ashes. murder was committed and hell be judged by his own family. thankfully, by the grace of the goddess guidance and love, they are equip to know whos who.

as lian came inside kuea, kuea followed soon after causing him to instinctively bite the surprisingly soft neck of his vampire mate above him. the height of his release was so intense he might have bitten way too deep as he clenched down to the soft flesh on his lips. the tangy taste of blood filled his mouth and he unconsiously swallowed it. what surprised kuea more was the minty icy sensation on his neck. the prickling pain was there but it felt numb as seconds passes. the cold icy sensation travelled through his neck and straight to his chest.

"ahhh..." kuea moaned as the icy sensation covered his entire chest making his breathing hard and labored. "y-yan... what... what is..."

"endure it, please..." lian murmured as he still was on kueas neck biting.


minutes passed, lian found his singer passed out beneath him. he eased out of kuea and slowly lowered his numbed legs, he assumed. he can still kuea heart beating steadily and strong and the bond that was created was so stable he could sense what hes feeling right now although hes unconscious. lian smiled at that but when he looked down on his singers body, he saw the smothered cum all over kueas body and bottom. he went to the confort room to find some towels and got a basin of warm water for kuea and bathed himself clean.

wiping down his singers body came to be a delightful chore to him. this way he can finally memorize by heart his singers physical features. the crook of his nose, the moles on his face, the lean muscles, the portruding little pinky on his hand which he find so adorable to look at and that heaven sent soft lips that he suddenly kissed and claimed. reaching over to a drawer, he pulled out a pair of soft baby blue pyjamas and shirt. as for himself, boxers will do. he normally sleeps naked but considering modesty for his singers sake, this will do.

after painstakingly changing the sheets and blanket, he spooned over to his singer and let peace enveloped him entirely. its so calm its almost frightening.

like a calm before the storm.

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