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lian went inside the dining room and saw his mate already at his seat. after that drama earlier, he decided to seat by his singers side. that way he could also chat with the boy. k could already hold a single word communication to him thanks to the reading routine that they religiously follow. lian will eventually introduce to him textbooks that might be needed to maybe get an exam to let him in into their university.

this is one of the reason why he wouldnt dare to skip meals, regardless its human food with a glass of blood on the side. the soft voice of his singer makes him feel lethargic. so peaceful even that he could literally doze off if not for the animated boy beside him.

"yan?" lian was a bit startled by k blurting his name all of a sudden after having their meal. theyre on their desserts. the very first time k called him that, he felt like he could jump from the tallest building and land still on his tiptoes and run towards his singer unfazed. it was when lian woke up from their bed with someone caressing his face. it felt like he was dreaming not until he heard k's voice rang near on his ear.

"yes, love?"


"no what, dear?"

"boy. stranger."

"you dont like them in here?"


"done. what else?" lian looked at his singer still amazed by how he now appeared to be possessive over him. no, not appeared, absolutely possessive over him.


"out where, hon?"

k just raised his shoulders. of course, lian understood. theyve been too cooped up inside the mansion and k never got the chance to explore beyond the fence. not that lian opposed to it, the thought did not crossed his mind yet. all he knew was to rehab the love of his life to the best that he could first. exposure to the outer world didnt make it in the list seems like to too far fetch of an idea at the moment.

would they be okay if ever they did?

maybe little by little.

"hmmm... sure... would you like to meet my brothers family?"


"yes, my older brother. my older brother has a family and have kids of his own. would you like to meet them?"

k nodded vigorously. he watched multiple movies with families in it. he knew he once have someone like those but his memories didnt serve much. all his life all he ever knew was white walls, slabs of table, wires and hoses, the capsule and white clad people that comes and goes. maybe, just maybe, he doesnt even have one at all. the thought made him sad at one point but since lian was by his side that time, when he saw his sleeping face he cant help but smile and call out his name as clearly as he could after all the practice he did whenever he went out in the garden.

"ill call him later. would you mind to prepare yourself alone later?" lian reached for the boys hair and ruffled it a bit making the other flustered.

k nodded and motioned himself to be done with his meal and excuse himself to their room. lian just nodded and squeezed his singers hand in adoration. as much as he wanted more, he cant risk the chance that the boy will recoil and reject him. yes, he already trust him but would that be enough to cover another base?

as soon as k exited the room, lian went to his office to catch up on some business matters as well as trying to catch his brother wherever he may be. he just hopes that he could pick up his phone since their house is all in shambles due to the recent addition to their family.

after the 2nd attempt and a few rings, destan finally picked up with a wailing baby in the other line, "yes? wassup?"

"mind talking for a bit?" lian replied leaning his back on his office chair.

"sure. im baby sitting at the moment. say it quick."

"can we visit sometime over the week? ill bring my singer with me. he wants to roam around but i cant risk his exposure for now. his trail is still hot on the ground and im not very comfortable with it."

"if you want safety, why not go to the castle this weekend? the familys gathering for aiko's birthday, if you remember?"

"oh sheesh, sorry. im so preoccupied, tan. im sorry."

"understood, brother. dont worry. ill tell everyone youre coming with your singer, okay? grand E's been pestering me to convince you to introduce him officially. glad you called ahead of time."

"yeah, i heard. so see you there this weekend, i guess."

"dont guess. come. or itll be my ear. seriously!"

lian couldnt help but scoff at his brothers threat but truth to be told, he will be in trouble if they wouldnt show up after destan told everyone that they will come. "sure. bye. kiss the kids for me."

"that i will, bye uncle lian." destans voice got silly as he imitated a childs voice. before lian hung up the line, he heard soft giggles. apparently, aikos near. hes their second child and born as a male omega. one of the rare omegas in their family since mostly of the male offspring in the family turned out to be alphas. hes the darling of the family now. no jealousy there but the thought of having kids of his own to spoil is enough to trigger that emotion once again.

hes too into the reports when he heard soft knocks on his door. the only one who have that kind of knocks is his singer, he knows it even a mile away.

"come in, dear."


"never. come here." lian opened his arms and come k straight to his lap as if its the natural thing to do. lian trapped him to his arms and the little one nuzzled his face to lians neck. something that he usually does whenever theyre in that situation.

"hmmm." came k as he laid on his... on lian.



"i called my brother." this made k sat straight and listened intently. those twinkling eyes hungry for knowledge really captivated the vampire's unbeating heart, but now beating uncontrollably fast at the sight. "well go to our ancestral place outside of the city for the celebration of his sons first birthday. my family will be there as well. would it be okay with you to meet them?"


"not afraid?"




"youll be okay. itll be safe. youll be with the family."

"family?" k pointed at lians chest.

"yes, my family. my dads, my brother and his family, cousins, uncles, aunties and grands."

"family?" k pointed at himself. would it be okay if he would consider himself as part of that family as well without being presumptuous and shameless?

"yes. you. are. every bit. every part of you is family. not only to them but especially to me. youre my family, k."



"me. kuea."

"kuea? is that your real name?"

lian got excited but was a bit disappointed when k or kuea just shrugged.

"dont. know?"

"then where that came from?"

another shrug was the reply but lian got curious when kuea pointed at his temple and looked at lian as he himself was confused.

"dont know."

"its okay, love. well figure things out, okay? dont worry." lian cant say anything anymore. kuea maybe the name he was given at the facility or has been given to him by someone other than them. but as for lian, name is irrelevant. whatever the name of his singer might be, he is who he is. no matter what form, creature, monster or creation he might be. hes the only one for him. hes his only sanity. hes his life in this lifetime and maybe even beyond.

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