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Lian POV

"sir, we are ready to deplane." my right hand man approached me. i reached for my and my singers buckles. seeing my discomfort with a human laying on me, "sir may i?" hes laying his arms out as if i should lay my singer on his arms in order for me to get up.

i looked up at him, "still want your life mark?"

hearing my threat he retreated to the cabin where our luggages were and to clear out our things. seeing that hes out of my range, i looked down at the angel on my neck.

im guessing he dropped. hes too intoxicated with my scent. good thing or bad thing, i dont know. i need him awake though. but seeing how calm he is, im so heartless if i wake him up and let him be startled by how it is outside.

i picked him up with my right arm alone while i pushed myself up with my other one. hes so light, i want to kill those bastards again.

as i am walking down the aisle while carrying him princess style, i felt him stir. i heard him gasp. i think he knew that we are already disembarking the plane. theres panic in those puppy eyes. the monster in me covered him in my arms as i lowered him on his feet.

"its okay. im here." i whispered in his ear. i dont know how much he can understand my words but i think he did grasp my meaning through my actions when he nodded.

i grabbed both of his arms and encircled them on my waist. yes, im that possessive, sue me.

i put my hand behind his head and kept him close to me with his face on my chest gently without suffocating him. as much as i want him to see the view, i cant risk him to be seen in public. be it from the cartel or from prying eyes. 

i admit hes now my strength as well as my weakness. us being who we are, we always have a target behind our backs. as long as hes with me, hes the subject for every kind of threats. but as long as hes with me, he can never be touched by anyone aside from me and my family. try hard as they might, if hes been touched even to the slightest, pray to all the gods, ill haunt them down throughout the generations to come. 

ive had too much of background knowledge on how to keep a singer or mate safe, thanks to my familys stories. i knew where their resolve collapsed and judgments relapsed. i dont want to be added to the list. grannie gulf will stir on his heavenly bed if i do so.

as soon as we cleared the plane door, i kept him close to me as i could. theres my familys monstrous armored car waiting for us down the stairs. no matter what calamity comes, that car could withstood it until help comes, whenever that may be.

 no matter what calamity comes, that car could withstood it until help comes, whenever that may be

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as soon as we are secured inside, i let k roam him vision around. the cars heavily tinted and tank proof on all sides and was nicknamed by my driver as fortress. its really a moving fortress so to speak. 

k looked up at me and slowly roamed his eyes around us inside the black interior of the car. as soon as he caught a glimpse of the view beyond the glass window, i can see in his eyes for the first time, a glow.


it was to the point that i could not get my eyes off of him.

he was so enthralled by what he see when suddenly a rushing car zoomed passed in front of him. he was startled and jumped to his seat to my side. i caught him just in time by his waist. i felt him froze to my touch. i sighed to myself and swore to make him feel comfortable to every touch i give him. no matter how long it will take, ill make him someone who cant pass the day without him touching me. 

he scooted over and put some space in between us. 

i dont like it.

but i understand.

im a stranger, everythings new to him, hes clueless to everything hes touching right now. hes been eyeing the buttons on the door for quite a while now. the buttons got symbols on them which i took for granted given that i always see it whenever im in this car. seeing him thumbing on it, maybe even scratching on them as if it will fade away when he did. the moment his hand landed on the cold surface of the window sill, its as if he touched something hot and hissed.

moments later i can feel his discomfort. hes holding his hand on his lap and watching it intently.

"whats wrong?" i asked as i laid my hand open for him to reach.

he looked up at me and, oh boy, did i melt all over. tears are flowing from his eyes.


i pulled him up and put him on my lap and hugged his trembling body. dawn came to me when i realized that he finally caught up to his reality. his cry is so gut wrenching, i cant help the tears that flowed from my own eyes. this is the first time i ever cried in my life. 

i can feel his helplessness. 

his pain. 

his loneliness. 

his dispair. 

in every fiber of my body, he put a stamp on it. he claimed all of me through those pure tears and innocent plea for freedom.

i rubbed his back as he cling on my body tightly.

"its okay. youre fine now. youre fine."

all throughout our ride, he remained on my lap. every breath that he expelled from his nose and mouth fanned my neck and it goddamn tickled my senses.

i cant fathom the innocence that he possess. here i am at the top of the vampire foodchain but i am stomped at the bottom of his feet. though i havent claimed him yet, hes most definitely mine. the warmth i felt inside me and the fast beating of my dead heart proclaims him that unmistakably hes the one. i can feel from the tips of my hand to the tips of my toes the warmth that my blood gave as it run through my veins. i can feel the prickle of every root of my hair as it tingles with life. the rush, the adrenaline that pass through me just him being this close to me is undoubtedly will be my addiction.

i reach out for a facial tissue in the compartment near me and wiped his tear stained face. hes really flawless in every way. his fair smooth skin untainted by chemicals people put on their faces nowadays. his hair as black as night but glows every time light shines on them. hes magical in every sense. the red tip on his nose due to his crying earlier made him flushed red on his cheeks as well. it reminded me of ripe apples. 

hes perfection in every way. did i already said that?

i was still entralled by my singers features when my door was opened by my shadows outside. i was struggling a bit but never enough that i would tumble with my singer in my arms.

the audacity of one shadow to reach for my singer got the best of him as my aura intensified around me causing every one to kneel and submit. 

"never touch him if you value your lives, boys. are we clear?" i said as mild as i could to not startle my singer in my arms. i could feel him gather his arms from my shoulders as if protecting himself.

hes awake.

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