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lian knew this wont be easy but the connection is there. giving k the understanding of his situation might be too difficult to deliver to him at this point but he cant help the feeling of possessing his singer and claiming him to be his through any means necessary.

blood and venom.


thats the only way to protect him and be under his wing. seeing how vulnerable k is, lian is so concerned he unknowingly took a step forward making the other step one back.

"im sorry." lian mouthed hoping his message is conveyed through his open palms before him as if signalling a surrender.

k, understanding that gesture since he saw that one too many times, nodded in reply. he cant understand a word he said. even knowing the words seems to be far-fetch. ever since he can remember, he was pushed from one room to another. no one talked to him or even bothered to even ask him. at one time he saw numerous like him with symbols on their shirts just like he did but they were kept away from each other. a simple wave sufficed every time. no expressions or even a bit of a lift at the corner of the others lips. that was ages ago. ever since then, he was confined in that glass. cant hear any words uttered beyond that glass. he could see blurry images of those who come and go. the tap tap of those who are curious on the glass and even loud voices come through it. it was never clear on his hearing.

these past few moments before he opened his eyes in this plane, is this what they call this even?, a dream came over to him for the very first time. he didnt even know if its real or even possible. people are interacting with each other face to face. touching each other with their bodies. he doesnt know what to call it but they were rubbing each others backs while they face each other at close proximity. their faces resembles of that same expression when the boss saw bagfuls of his red liquid in his hands but without the creepy glint in it.

now this man in front of him.

what was he trying to do taking a huge step towards him?

does he want to tackle him down and put him inside the glass again?

was he ordered to do so?

but he was showing his palms... 

does it mean he means no harm?

one thing for sure, hes not one of those people in funny white suits with covers on their faces and gloves on.

lian offered a open hand to him as if he was waiting for a wild animal to lower its head in submission.

k looked at his hand and mimicked him. same mirrored hand. same gesture.

seeing how this will go, lian raised his hand, palm still facing K. the other mirrored the same as well.

lian as slowly as he could so as not to startle him, touched the others palm.

feeling the warmth that passed through each others palms and fingers, lian could almost see a smile forming in Ks face. trying to take things further, lian twisted his hand a bit and interlaced their hands.

releasing the breath that he unconsciously held, K relaxed. this man means no harm to him. never in his life he felt this warmth and familiarity.

suddenly, lian found himself crouched down with K underneath him in a protective manner. an out of nowhere turbulence shook the entire plane.

lian must go outside the cabin to inquire about the situation but he cant leave the trembling figure underneath him.

even though they were startled by the sudden shaking, the hands that were once tangled together stayed put.

K looked at the figure on top of him. he looked somewhat concerned and he looked over to the door and back to him. maybe he wants to go out?

standing up with lian steadying him up to his feet, lian motioned for the door and pointed at it.

this confirmed Ks inquiry and nodded to him in consent. but instead of leaving him inside the room, lian pulled him into his arms and ushered him out much to his surprise.

the blinding light of the customized planes interior, made k squint his eyes.

without his notice k passed by the stewardess that annoyed him earlier. she was still there gawking at nothingness. noticing the awkwardness of the situation, k glanced at woman and moved his pinky left finger subconsciously. the woman then collapsed on her bum on the seat behind her. stunned by what happened and confused as to why she was there when she was supposedly inside the cabin asking the young master on the bed if he wants to have bubble bath bombs on his tub repeatedly.

lian caught k's attention and ushered him away by their intertwined hand.

knowing that its futile to even resist, k let himself to be dragged away from the now funny woman.

"what happened?" the beautiful man asked the man in uniform.

"we had entered the empires domain sir. the A.I. didnt catch up and caused a turbulence. it seems it needs more calibrating." the man answered with his head bowed low.

"make a report out of it and send it directly to my secretary."

"as commanded, sir."

throughout the entire conversation, k looked around his surroundings. he haphazardly reached for the seat. he cant believe how smooth it was. the texture on his feet felt ticklish. there were some fibers sticking out of it. it made him so curious, he crouched down and touched it. it coarse but its not entirely rough. he was about to touch another one when he felt curious eyes above him.

he slowly looked up and confirmed those two pairs of eyes looking down on him.

did he do something wrong?

what would they do to punish him?

is it time for my red liquid to be siphoned out?

with that thought in mind, k looked around to search for that table with buckles on it. he hates it when he was held down on it. he doesnt have the will to thrash around, why did they have to strap him down?

lian saw the panic in Ks eyes and that too triggered something inside him.

he abruptly scooped the small one to his arms and cradled him to his chest.

lian lowered himself on a posh velvet high backed chair at the corner of the lounge and swerved himself facing the window and away from prying eyes.

it was as if it was a reflex action that somehow came to him naturally. he knows what to do and at the same time he didnt. all he knew was his singer needed the seclusion.

"youre safe, k. youre safe." he uttered to his singer and rubbed his back along with it. he might not understand the words he is saying but the gestures could be understood without a thousand of it.

lian felt K became loose on his lap with his arms crossed before him. sleep was the only thing that could calm his singer down completely it seems but he wasnt sure about that. in reality, he only knew about him for more than a couple of hours but it seems like theyve been together for far longer. the sense of familiarity was so intense, its as if minutes were like months and hours were like years for him.

is this what they meant to feel when you meet your one true fated half?



for those who are still confused:

Lian knew the boy only by its project name and just shortcut it by the name K.

K doesnt know his name since they were treated as specimens rather than human beings. he only referred to himself as i or me but ever since lian called him as K, so he assumed that maybe his name is Kuea based on the dream he had several times before. hence, K and Kuea is one and the same person. unless lian gave him another name... ;)

any thoughts about Ks ability? the one who will get it right specifically will get a shout-out on the next chapter. 

love lots,


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