37- Dance, Jealousy, Alcohol

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

As Manyata focused on overseeing the arrangements, she sensed a familiar presence behind her.

The subtle yet distinct aroma of spicy cinnamon with exotic oriental vanilla fragrance wafted into her senses, instantly triggering a recognition deep within her.

She didn't need to turn around to know who it was; she had become attuned to the nuances of her husband's presence over time.

Manyata had always been observant of the little details about Raghavendra, from his likes and dislikes to his daily routines.

She knew that despite being a food enthusiast, he was quite selective about his meals.

He had a particular aversion to sweet dishes, except for one notable exception-chocolate cake, which he absolutely adored.

On the other hand, he had an unmistakable disdain for pineapple cake, a fact she found amusing.

Raghavendra's morning ritual of playing basketball was another detail she had grown accustomed to.

While others hit the gym for their workouts, he preferred the open court, honing his skills with the ball in hand.

His love for the sport was evident in the way he approached each game with dedication and enthusiasm.

The sight of watches adorning Raghavendra's wrist was a common occurrence for Manyata.

He had an extensive collection of timepieces, each one meticulously chosen to complement his attire.

Black and grey shirts dominated his wardrobe, reflecting his preference for understated elegance.

However, she couldn't deny the allure of seeing him in a crisp white shirt, a contrast that accentuated his rugged charm.

As she felt him take a step closer, Manyata's heart skipped a beat.

Despite the tension that lingered between them, there was an undeniable pull drawing her towards him.

With a subtle shift in the air, she knew that her husband stood just inches away, his presence casting a familiar spell over her senses.

Author's POV ends

Manyata's inadvertent whisper of "Raghav" caught Raghavendra off guard, leaving him surprised at how she knew he was behind her.

As she turned to look at him, she was struck by the sight of Raghavendra in his full black outfit.

The sleek lines of his black tuxedo, the crispness of his black shirt, and the elegance of his black pants created an aura of power and sophistication around him.

In that moment, he seemed like a godly figure, exuding an undeniable magnetism and charm that drew her in.

His presence commanded attention, and she found herself unable to look away.

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