16- Betrayal [Part 2]

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Raghavendra's POV

I stood in my study room watching the scene unfold before me. The rhythmic thud of my heart resonated in my ears as I witnessed Rohan Srivastav, my arch-enemy, wrapping his arms around Manyata. Every fiber in me being trembled with a mixture of fury and disbelief.

For years, I had built walls around my heart, shielding it from the world. Betrayal was the one thing I loathed above all else. 

In my world, where honor and loyalty were the pillars of existence, betrayal was an unforgivable sin. 

I could endure the killing attempts on my life, face adversaries on the battlefield, but the venom of betrayal seeped deep into my soul.

Manyata had managed to break through those impenetrable walls, stirring emotions within me that I had never allowed myself to acknowledge. 

The very idea of betrayal from her, the one person who had ignited the flame of passion within me, was beyond comprehension.

As I observed Rohan's embrace tighten around Manyata, a storm brewed within me. My fists clenched, and a fire burned in my eyes. 

The rage that had simmered beneath the surface now erupted, threatening to consume me entirely.

I could forgive wounds and scars inflicted by enemies but the sting of deceit was a wound that festered. 

I believed in punishment, and in my world, punishment for betrayal was swift and final – death.

The image of Rohan, the treacherous cop, holding the girl I desired, fueled the flames of my anger. 

The world around me blurred as the singular purpose of retribution burned within me. I knew that the time had come to mete out the punishment reserved for those who dared to betray me.

Raghavendra's POV ends

The night air hung heavy with tension as the deserted bus stop echoed the abrupt departure of the crowd. Kajal, Manyata, and Rohan stood there, bewildered, exchanging perplexed glances.

The distant hum of the retreating bus faded, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Suddenly, the quiet was shattered by the sleek purr of a black Mercedes gliding to a halt in front of them.

Manyata's eyes widened as the car door swung open, revealing the imposing figure of Raghavendra. 

The harsh streetlights cast sharp shadows on his stern face, his eyes ablaze with an intensity that sent shivers down Manyata's spine. 

Memories of playful moments in the study seemed like distant echoes, drowned out by the present fury in his gaze.

Beside her, Kajal noticed Aniket materializing out of nowhere, adding an unexpected layer to the already puzzling scene. 

Rohan, sensing the impending storm, felt a knot of fear tighten in his stomach. His mind quickly shifted gears, recognizing an opportunity to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

As Raghavendra approached with determined strides, Manyata's heart raced. She could almost taste the tension in the air. 

The rage and anger in his eyes were unmistakable, a stark contrast to the warmth she once knew. 

She swallowed hard, the memories of their playful encounters becoming a distant echo, drowned out by the present reality.

Rohan: (ever the manipulator, seized the moment) Raghavendra Shergill What a surprise to see you here

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