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Rohan's POV

I am seething with a rage like never before. 

My sanctuary, once a haven of solace, now resembled a battlefield strewn with the wreckage of my shattered dreams and ambitions. 

Every item lay broken and scattered, a mirror of the chaos raging within my tormented soul.

My hands clenched into fists, knuckles white with fury, as I glared at the photograph of Raghavendra Shergill. 

The man who had once been his nemesis had now become the bane of his existence. 

How could I have been so easily outmaneuvered? How could I have let victory slip through my fingers yet again?

Memories of humiliation and defeat gnawed at my consciousness, fueling the flames of my hatred. 

The suspension from my job, a consequence of my failure to bring down Raghavendra, only added fuel to the inferno of my fury.

As I stared at the image of his adversary, a sinister grin twisted my lips, the contours of my face contorted by malice and malevolence. 

Revenge, once a distant thought, now consumed my every waking moment, driving me to the brink of madness.

With a newfound determination, I plotted my next move with meticulous precision. 

No longer content with mere defeat, I harbored darker intentions now. 

I envisioned the downfall of Raghavendra Shergill, not through legal means, but through the cold and merciless hand of death.

In the depths of my twisted psyche, a sinister plan took shape, a plan that would bring about the demise of my sworn enemy. 

No obstacle would deter me, no consequence would sway me from my path of vengeance.

With a chilling resolve, I set my sights on a new goal, my heart consumed by a vengeful fire that burned brighter with each passing moment. 

For in my eyes, the only justice left in this world was the sweet taste of retribution, and I would stop at nothing until I had claimed it, even if it meant crossing the line into darkness.

Rohan's POV ends

In the study room Raghavendra was sitting on the chair and Aniket was standing in front of him. 

Raghavendra was checking some files related to the diamond deal which he was going to do with Chang.

Aniket: Boss this Rohan won't be quiet. You literally snatched his job

Raghavendra: I know Aniket and I don't care what he is gonna do. I just know how to defeat him and let him do whatever he want but this time will be the last time he is alive. Next time main usse zinda hi nahi chodunga.

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