Chapter: 5

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The day had been extremely boring, as I had given just about all my classes the same assignment.

Write an essay about 1 of 3 topics:
• A fight between 2 people.
• A blind date.
• Meeting a loved one after a long time.

Basic ass, i know. But what else am i supposed to do when these stupid children don't know how to write a narrative essay?

Fortunately, I didn't have any classes right now and it was the last period, so I made my way outside to find the school cat.

When I said I loved cats, I meant I would perish if they went extinct. And yes, I own a dog. A big dog.

Once I got outside, I grinned when I saw the cat. It was a small, female, brown and black cat with big blue eyes.

She loved attention and would often rub herself on the students and teachers.

I walked up to her, bent down, gently picked her up, stood straight and gave her a kiss on the head.

She meowed, and licked my chin, making me laugh softly.

I heard a gasp and looked over towards the noise to find a few girls, all sitting next to the school building, smoking.

I simply shook my head. "Get inside, girls." I put down the cat and placed my hands on my hips.

The group of girls nodded quickly, put out the cigarette and run inside, all trying their best to avoid eye contact with me.

I huffed before giving the cat one last pet and kiss before walking back into the building.

I made my way to my class to get ready for detention. Or in other words, get ready to see Lori again.

Strange. I don't remember closing the door.

I opened it to find Mr Jones standing by my desk, facing me. I frowned.

"Sir." I slowly entered the class, and closed the door. "Can I help?"

"Yes... you can." He pushed himself off my desk and started approuching me.

My brows furrowed even more. "With what?"

"Taking off these pan-" The bell rang.

Thank god.

I smiled sarcastically and tapped his shoulder. "Ive got detention to handle, I'd advice you leave." I opened the door. "Unless you want to take the students?" I cocked my head to the side with a slight pout of my lips.

Disgust washed over his features before he shook his head. "No. I'm alright. Enjoy them though." He disappeared out the door.

I sighed and walked to my desk. "Fucking hell.."

"You know, it's bad to swear in a school, miss Bennett." I heard a voice that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention.

I turned around, a smile tugging at my lips. "Is that so, miss Emerson?" I leaned my ass back on my desk.

She looked down, laughing softly. Her light brown hair covered her eyes.

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