24 • Y/N's devastating truth

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After talking to Seongnam at the hunt before the feast.

You walked over to your circular family table , your brothers already sat there and trying to act like they weren't already digging into the side dishes. You sat down next to Yejun, very clearly annoyed.

"What's got little park pissed off?" Yujun asked spotting your mood.

"Nothing." You said very clearly not wanting to talk about it, especially not with them. Due to your fathers position he wouldn't be sitting with the three of you but Doyoon would soon be there with his wife - your sisters with their husbands families.

"Did you see how well Seongnam did today?" Yejun said trying to change the subject not realising he was in fact the subject. "He tried so hard to get a deer, we think he was trying to show off to a girl." Yejun laughed.

"And he ended up getting a stag, such a huge catch for his first hunt. I'm sure whoever he was trying to impress fell in love with him on the spot." Yujun added and you just deadpanned at the two.

"What?" They both asked in unison.

"I don't care about his stupid little hunting game or whatever animal he got."

"Oh so she's angry with Seongnam?" Yujun asked understanding straight away from your reaction. He earnt a hit from his twin before Yejun turned back to face you.

"What did he do now?" Yejun asked

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Then don't be in a mood." Yujun said jumping into the conversation before Yejun could speak.

"Yujun shut up. Y/n don't be upset over him, he's not worth it. Although it's easier said then done, work past it. You have many more years-"

"Do you think I'm jealous?" You interrupted your brother, they both looked at each other as if they both thought that was the answer but shocked it wasn't. "He told me he would get a deer for me, I told him I didn't care and then he came over a wouldn't shut up about it infront of my friends. He's so rude. He even brought that idiot Eungsik." You let out.

"So you're upset he did that for you?" They asked confused all you did was nod as a reply.

"He was trying to be nice Y/n, you're friends don't forget that. He may not have meant it in a romantic way but still be grateful he went to those efforts for you." Yujun said and you immediately looked at Yejun to be on your side.

"Sorry Y/n but Yujun is right, you better of at least congratulated him." You sighed hearing your brothers.

"I told him well done."

"No no no, that's definitely not the full story." Yujun stopped you before you could try and act like you had already done so.

"Fine, I told him well done and then had a go at him. I don't feel good about it, but he embarrassed me infront of my friends. I shouldn't have to accept that." You defended yourself.

"And you don't. But you should still be polite, being kind and polite shows how mature you are rather than lashing out on someone. And at the end of the day you always complain after so you don't need to shout in their faces." Yejun said, causing you to sigh.

Doyoon walked over with his wife, none of his kids at the hunt.

"How are you three?" He asked as he sat down next to you, his wife on his other side and next to Yujun.

"We are good, I didn't see you at the hunt." Yujun pointed out.

"Oh you know I'm not as good as you two at that stuff, instead I was doing some business." Doyoon smiled.

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