12 • do you love me?

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You woke up the next morning and to your shock you still had someone sharing your bed. You turned to face him, he seemed to have only of just woken up too. He sleepily smiled at you.

"Good morning" he said, his morning voice deep. He brushed your hair out of your face as he admired your natural beauty in the morning. "Last night was..." he was trying to think of a word to describe it but as he paused your brain flooded with the images of the night before. Of the two of , fully in the act of making love. You sat up as your cheeks flushed. Seongnam just watched as you tried to inch away from him and cover yourself.

"I've got to uhh go...it's already late in the morning. You have your duties and I have mine so I shall be on my way." You said trying to get up and leave. Scrambling to keep yourself covered with the sheets. Seongnam just watched shocked.

"Ms Kim, please prepare my clothes next door and inform the crown princes eunuchs that he will be getting dressed in my room this morning." You said as you got to the door. Looking back at your husband and instantly having to turn as his eyes on you just made your blush grow.

You weren't lying when you said you had stuff to do and one of those things was to have tea with the queen, unfortunately though due to your lie in you were cutting it close on time and had to rush to your arrangement. You entered the queens quarters a few minutes late and sat down for tea with her.

"I heard that you consummated the marriage last night." Was the first thing the queen said to you and you went bright red as a result. "In all my years of knowing you, Y/n, I have never seen you so submissive and red." She laughed at your reaction.

"I was only fulfilling my duty as crown princess." You said trying to get back into character but the Queen just smiled.

"Ofcourse. You both did a very great deed which not only helps the two of you in unity but also the crown prince's claim. Thank you for doing your duty. Now that all of that is said, let's get to our usual topics." She smiled pouring you some tea. You smiled at this and the two of you started to gossip. After a while into your talks.

"How's the Queen dowager been towards you?" You went silent at the queens question thinking hard about it.

"Honestly...she's not been how I expected. I can't remember if I had told you but before she had suggested that I married Seongnam. I found that super odd because it was when we really didn't get along. But now I'm a bit confused, I understand she supports the Hwangs but she hasn't shown any anger towards us yet." You admitted.

"She suggested you married Seongnam earlier?" The Queen questioned that point. You nodded.

"Before the whole Uiseong timeline. She said we would be good for each other. At the time I knew she was doing it for negative reasons but it's weird now." The Queen nodded in understanding to your words.

"She's a dangerous woman so don't get too comfortable, as you'll be here for longer you'll learn but all I'm trying to say is keep an eye on her and don't let her fool you." You couldn't agree more, you knew the Queen dowager pretty much got away with whatever she wanted however you didn't want to be a pawn in her game.

Later on, your were in your room relaxing. Simply reading a book until Ms Kim came in.

"Sorry your highness, but I'm just quickly going to swap the bed." She said as her and some other court ladies took away the single sheets. You didn't see anything odd about it until they brought in much larger replacements.

"Why have your brought that in?" You questioned the women.

"Well, the crown prince is planning on visiting again tonight." Ms Kim admitted, you placed down your book.

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