10 • jealous

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You woke up , confused of your surroundings. Slowly rising to find a group of people watching you.  You looked around a little shocked.

"Why is everyone looking at me?"

"My lady, you fainted earlier. You worried us so much. Grand Prince Seongnam helped bring you here and make sure you were healthy." You listened to your lady in waiting and turned to the boy on your other side. He showed a small smile towards you.

"I best get going." You said trying to get up, however everyone tried to insist you rested.

"Lady Y/n, stay here the night and regain your energy. Get some food and take some rest." The Queen said from infront of you, her sons and lady's in waiting all nodding in agreement.

"I really must go." You said trying to get up.

"Just stay. You should really eat something." Seongnam spoke up. Your head slightly went down thinking about everything. You couldn't stay here, if Uiseong found out... . Forget if he did, he probably already has. And staying here longer would just make him angrier. You got up , heading outside. Seongnam got up to follow. The other princes wanting to do so too but their mother stopping them.

"This seems to be between the two of them." She said stopping everyone from within the room from leaving. Even Ms Kim stayed.

Outside you were trying to leave. Walking along the corridor that connected the multiple buildings. Seongnam caught up to you and grabbed your wrist.

"Get off me-" you said pulling away, you didn't even look at him.

"Your wrist..." he was about to say something but stopped himself. "Why are you ignoring me?" He said getting to his point.

"I'm not ignoring you. I'm simply leaving."

"Look at me then."

"I don't want to look at you. I want to go."

"Why not?"



"Because if I stay here any longer , I will lose everything."

"Will looking at me cause you to stay?"


"Then look at me."

You turned around to face the boy.

"See, nothing was lost from doing that." He said calmly, looking into your eyes. He had a softness about him this evening. It wasn't the prince you knew but instead an emotional and caring prince. You took away your wrist from his grip. "Where are you going now?" He asked as you started to walk away again but he just followed.

"To my husband to be." You said angrily, a tone slipping out at the boy that you didn't mean to direct at him.

"You're still so loyal to such a coward?"

"Don't speak about him like that."

"Like what? Honestly? He is a coward y/n. Nobody can deny it, not even his mother."

"Why do you act like this?" You stopped, turning to the grand Prince.

"Like what?"

"Childish. You have a woman in your heart yet you follow me around and demand I break the marriage to a man that has mine."

"You love him?" He asked, hurt creeping into his voice.

"Don't act like you care." You replied coldly. He was about to reply but paused.

"Y/n!" Uiseong appeared, finding you and Seongnam together. He paused seeing you both. "What did I say?"

"I was just trying to get away, I promise that I set a boundary-"

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