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Seongnam walked to his room , lazily and groggily. He felt so... he didn't even know what the word was. He had never felt like this before, and that's why he struggled to label it. After getting to his room he just sat there , on his bed. Letting his thoughts run wild, instinctively his hand moved to his arm where only a few minutes ago your hand was placed. He felt like he could still feel its warmth and softness.

Why was he feeling like this?! Was what he thought to try and distract his other thoughts. He wriggled around in his bed , frustrated as he didn't know what was happening and how he had no control over it all. But then he stopped. Sitting up. "It's all Y/ns fault. Of course it is. She's messing with me. Trying to get me to care so when I admit it she crushes my heart like the demon she is." He said trying to persuade himself. "But she isn't that bad...Seongnam! No! She's a woman, you can't trust women."  He flopped onto his bed and decided to sleep it off , rather than argue with himself like a lunatic.

For a few days he hadn't seen you but his mind wasn't occupied with you, although small things did make him remember you. Like the flowers on a calligraphy painting he was studying , although you art wasn't nearly as good the flower was the same flower you held onto when the two of you first met. He remembers the bright read petals and how they made you look so delicate...that was until you opened your mouth and got angry at him for staring. Although that angered him so much back then he couldn't help but smile now.

"Why're you smiling?" Gyeseong asked as he laid on the floor next to Seongnam. Seongnam looked down at his younger brother from his seat.

"It's nothing"

"Brother! Are you really going to hide it? Surely a textbook can't be funny." Gyeseong said rolling over to look at his brother.

"I just thought it was pretty." Seongnam said trying to play it off.

"A red rose?"

"Yes a red rose"

"I didn't realise you were becoming a man of romance , has a woman stolen your heart?" Gyeseong joked "Or are you love sick like Muan?" He added , laughing at his own jokes.

"It's just beautifully drawn."

"You know Y/n loves flowers, maybe if you're finding an interest you can talk to her."

"Well she's not around." Seongnam replied , a hint of bitterness in his tone.

"That may be my doing..."

"What do you mean? Are you the person she mentioned falling out with?" Seongnam asked , remembering the words you told him a few nights ago.

"Well I shouted at her..."


"Before you get too angry it was a valid reaction. I didn't do it to hurt her, I was hurt. But anyway I don't think that would be it , because think of the amount of times you two have argued and she's still come in after" Gyeseong said giving reason as to why it wasn't as bad as it sounded.

"Maybe you should apologise." Hearing this caused Gyeseong to sit up and look at his older brother.

"You've changed."

"No I haven't-"

"Before you would have laughed and said 'good' or something rude, but now you want me to apologise."

"Well are you against that idea?"

"No , but I'm just pointing out that your feelings have changed." Hearing this silenced the older of the two. It got a little awkward for Gyeseong, although he was happy you two were finally getting along he knew his brother's feelings were stronger than just a friendship and you were engaged.

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