9 • you

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As the days passed if you were to visit the palace you would only be with Prince Uiseong or his mother consort Hwang. It was clear there were problems around the palace especially directed at the queens quarters. But unlike you wished , you were forbid to see the queen and be of any assistance.

You sat to the side as Uiseong was being privately tutored, bored of life. This was now what you did , you never really talked to Uiseong either. You just sat there and let the days pass as if they meant nothing. You truly hated it. But one thing you hated more was that you weren't even allowed to walk the gardens without Uiseong or his mother present.

It felt as if they were draining you of your life but you had to act as if it was the best thing to have ever of happened to you.

You stood up to leave the room for some fresh air and all eyes were immediately on you.

"I will take my leave."

"Sit back down." You looked at Uiseong who was already looking back at his work.

"I would like to get some fresh air-" you were stopped due to Uiseong banging his fist onto the table to silence you.

"I SAID SIT BACK DOWN!" You went quiet hearing this. Ms Kim watched from behind you quietly, she knew this was never going to be good and she hoped it would be broken off soon. But rather than your usual way of talking back you submissively sat back down. Hours more passed and you were starting to feel dizzy, you had been stuck in a room all day with no food or water whilst you husband to be was living the full life of a prince being fed and watered whenever he demanded it. Not even caring for you as if you were a forgotten plant in the corner.

"My lady, we should think of heading back now." Ms Kim whispered to you from behind. You looked over at Uiseong. He was gone. You let out a breath you didn't realise you were keeping in.

"Let's go home" You said getting up.

"Wait let me help you-" Ms Kim came to help you but the two of you stopped in the process seeing consort Hwang enter. She looked over at you smiling. You stood up straight.

"You're still here Lady Y/n?"

"Yes , however I was about to take my leave."

"Are you sure? I was hoping we could talk, would you like some tea?" And here comes all the palace politics was all you could think to this. You agreed to her request though. The two of you moving to her quarters. Sitting across from each other quietly.

"I believe that maybe it's time the next step was made" she spoke first. Pouring tea into your cup. You looked at her. Despite doing nothing all day you were exhausted. "You and my son have been set to wed for a while now so I believe it's best if we make this official." You knew why she wanted this. You weren't just a pretty face. You were the daughter of the most influential family in the kingdom. She wanted you to be officially married to her son so he could have a greater reasoning for him to be crown prince.

"Consort Hwang, although I'm very pleased you are talking to me about this it is my father who has the power in this decision. So unfortunately I cannot speak with certainty." Her smile slightly faltered at this.

"Let's drop the honorifics." She smiled trying to compose herself. "You're your father's youngest child and he is very proud of you. I'm sure if you show him how much you want this he will listen." Silence came over the two of you.

"Thank you for the tea consort Hwang, it is time I left." You said getting up.

"Wait Lady Y/n, don't you love my son?"


"WHERES Y/N?! I DIDNT SAY SHE COULD LEAVE!" She watched as your complexion turned pale hearing her son scream for you. He stormed through the doors. Seeing you and his expression showed his anger clearly. Uiseong didn't notice his mother until he heard her forcibly place down her tea cup. He looked at her quite shocked.

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