Chapter 23

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Hey everyone! 🎉

 Hope y'all are doing well! 🌟 Here's the next chapter, a bit short this time! 📚 I hope you enjoy reading it, I'll get the next update out soon, promise! 🤞 Sorry for the delay, it's been pretty hectic lately. 🙈 

As Rohan and Nandini strolled towards Manik's office after their office tour, Rohan couldn't resist the urge to pull a prank on his friend. He winked at Nandini and told her to wait outside.

Entering Manik's office alone, Rohan put on his best-worried face. Manik was engrossed in his work, his brow furrowed in concentration. With a mischievous grin, Rohan cleared his throat dramatically, drawing Manik's attention.

"Manik, Manik!" Rohan called out, feigning panic. Manik looked up, concern evident in his eyes. "What's up, Rohan? Everything alright?"

Rohan paused for a moment, enjoying the suspense before delivering his made-up news. "It's Nandini," he started, trying to sound serious. "She slipped on the stairs and they had to take her to the hospital. She's hurt pretty bad, Manik."

Manik's heart skipped a beat as worry flooded him. Without a second thought, he grabbed his jacket and car keys, ready to rush to Nandini's side.

But as he reached for the door, he saw Nandini standing there, unharmed and smiling. Relief washed over him.

"Nandini, you're okay?" Manik asked, still slightly out of breath from the panic.

Nandini nodded, a playful glint in her eye. "I'm fine, Manik."

Manik turned to Rohan, shaking his head. "Rohannnnnnn," he sighed, sounding annoyed. "When will you grow up? You scared the life out of me."

Rohan grinned sheepishly, shrugging. "Sorry, Manik. It was just too tempting."

Manik gave a fake laugh, but his annoyance was evident. "Heheheh, but it was not funny," he said, giving Rohan a side-eye.

Rohan didn't seem bothered by Manik's reaction; he was just satisfied with his prank. As Manik ushered Nandini back into the office, he couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed by the prank, but he knew he couldn't stay mad at his friend for long. Deciding to ignore Rohan for a while, Manik focused on getting back to work.

They settled comfortably into Manik's office, the soft glow of the desk lamp casting a warm ambience around them.

"Nandini, you must be exhausted. Can I get you something to drink or eat?" Manik asked, concern evident in his voice.

Nandini offered him a grateful smile. "No, Manik, I'm alright. Thank you. Just water would be perfect."

"Okay then. I'll wrap up my work quickly, and then we can head out," Manik assured her, turning his attention back to his work.

True to his word, Manik efficiently finished his work, neatly organizing his desk before they left the office together.

As they left for home, Nandini realized they were taking a different route. Curiosity getting the better of her, she questioned Manik.

"Manik, where are we going?" she asked, her tone laced with intrigue.

Manik glanced at her, a soft smile playing on his lips. "We haven't had the chance to go out anywhere since our wedding, so I thought we could grab a coffee. I've already let Ma know."

Nandini hesitated, concern tugging at her. "It wasn't necessary, Manik. You worked all day today; you must be tired. We can go another day."

But Manik shook his head, determination in his eyes. "No, I'm not tired at all. I work every day, so that's okay. And I'm sorry for not asking you earlier. If you're not comfortable with it, we can just head home."

Nandini reassured him with a gentle laugh. "It's not necessary to apologize, Manik. And why would I not be comfortable with you? After all, we're friends, aren't we?"

Her words warmed Manik's heart, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "I thought you might enjoy getting out for a bit. Plus, we haven't had much time to spend together lately."

"Thank you, Manik," Nandini said softly, her appreciation evident in her tone.

Manik chuckled softly. "Why thank me? You said we're friends, didn't you? And friends don't need to say thank you or welcome, do they?"

As they drove towards their destination, the familiar streets passed by outside the car window, and the comfortable silence between them spoke volumes about their connection. With each passing moment, their friendship grew stronger, promising many more shared adventures in the future.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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