Chapter 16

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Maya and Nandini finish preparing breakfast. Nandini then goes to her room to call Manik for breakfast.
Although she came from a rich family, Nandini did not have the liberty to do whatever she wanted. She was obliged to do what was told to her, lacking a say in her life, much like her marriage.

As usual, she went to ask Manik for permission. Upon entering the room, she finds Manik already prepared for work. She admires him for a second before he notices her.

Nandini: "Manik! I need to ask you something."

Manik, surprised at her sudden appearance, composes himself and replies.

Manik: "Yes, Nandini, tell me."

Nandini: "I wanted to meet my friends. I couldn't even invite them for the wedding. Can I go to meet them?"

Manik, surprised at why she was asking for his permission and noticing her hesitation, responds.

Manik: "Why are you asking me, Nandini? You can go meet anyone you want. Just because you're married doesn't make any difference. You dictate your own life, not others. So don't worry about asking next time. If you want to do anything or go anywhere, inform. Don't ask for permission. Maybe you had to do it in your house, but now this is your house. You have the freedom to do what you want."

Nandini felt a mix of surprise and relief at Manik's response. She nodded, grateful for his understanding.

Nandini: "Thank you, Manik."

Manik: "What time are you leaving?"
Nandini: "Maybe for lunch, haven't decided yet."

Manik: "I'll send the driver. Let me know the timings once you've decided."

Nandini: "No, Manik, it's okay. I can go myself."

Manik: "Sure, if you prefer. Just inform me, and I'll pick you up when you're done. Call me."

Nandini: "No, Manik, it's alright. I'll come back when I'm done. You don't have to worry about me."

Manik: "At least let me pick you up."
Nandini: "Okay... but I do not have your number."

They exchange numbers and proceed for breakfast.

Nandini, even though unsure of the relationship with Manik, is trying her best to overcome the differences. She's happy that Manik is giving her the time and space she needs.

Nandini takes out her phone, opens the WhatsApp group named "Best Friends Forever," a name from their college days.

Nandini: "Hey guys!! What's up? How are you all?"

Riya instantly replies.

Riya: "Yo girl! Nothing's up, just done with breakfast. And I'm fine, how are you?"

Nandini: "I'm doing fine. I messaged to ask if we could meet today afternoon for lunch."

Arjun: "Hey Nanduu, I'm fine too. Yes, I'm in. Will take the afternoon off. We haven't met for so long. But is everything alright? You never ask to meet all of a sudden."

Vikram: "Hey!!! I'm in tooooo......"

Riya: "Me tooooooooooo."

Nandini: "Perfect. And yes, everything is good. But please don't kill me later for what I'll be saying."

Vikram: "It's definitely something."

Nandini: "Okay, bye! Meet you guys later. Will fill you in with everything."

Nandini then heads off for breakfast with a newfound excitement to catch up with her friends later.

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