Chapter 22

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Hey guys!!!!
Hope you all are doing well.

Sorry for the late update. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and I apologize in advance if you find it disappointing.
Happy reading☺️💗

Nandini and Manik settled into Vikram's office, the delicious smell of Nandini's homemade lunch filling the room. Manik didn't waste a moment and jumped to help Nandini set up the food, washing the plates himself feeling bad that Nandini had done all the work alone.

As they were getting comfortable, Vikram walked in, looking both surprised and happy to see Nandini.

Vikram's eyebrows shot up in surprise, but his eyes softened with warmth as he took in the sight of Nandini and the spread of food.

Vikram: Nandini, what a nice surprise!

And What's that lovely smell?

Nandini spoke up eagerly, her eyes bright with anticipation.

Nandini: Hi Papa! I brought lunch for you and Manik. I hope you don't mind.

A hint of uncertainty flickered in Nandini's eyes, but her smile remained hopeful as she awaited Vikram's response.

Vikram chuckled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners with affection.

Vikram: Silly girl, why would I mind? You're like family to us. And homemade lunch? Of course, I'm happy! (Who isn't happy about homemade food, right readers?)

Relief flooded Nandini's expression, and her smile widened with gratitude as she felt a sense of belonging wash over her.

Nandini felt good hearing that. She was grateful to have such a welcoming family.

As they started eating, Rohan barged in, making a fuss about them starting without him.

Rohan's eyes widened dramatically, his hands flailing in mock outrage as he addressed the group.

Rohan: You guys started without me? That's not fair! Save some food for me at least!

Manik shook his head, but there was a fondness in his eyes as he watched Rohan's antics.

Manik: Stop being dramatic, Rohan. Come, sit down.

Rohan saluted Manik with a grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Rohan: Yes, boss!

Vikram chuckled at their antics, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he watched the playful banter unfold.

Vikram: These kids never grow up.

Nandini sat quietly, her gaze wandering around the room, taking in the animated conversations and the warm atmosphere. Manik noticed her thoughtful expression and felt a pang of concern.

Manik: "Nandini, why aren't you having anything? You should join us for lunch too."

His voice was gentle, laced with genuine care as he reached out to her, urging her to join them.

Nandini's eyes flickered with surprise at his attention, grateful for his consideration.

Nandini: "Oh, it's okay, Manik. I'm not really hungry. And I had some while preparing it."

Her response was polite, but Manik could sense something beneath her words. He leaned in closer, his expression soft and reassuring.

Manik: "Come on, Nandini. You've gone through so much trouble to prepare this lunch. It wouldn't be right for you not to enjoy it with us. Please, join us."

There was a genuine sincerity in Manik's invitation, a silent plea for Nandini to feel welcomed and accepted.

Nandini hesitated for a moment, her eyes meeting Manik's with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. But ultimately, she relented, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

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