chapter 18( part 2)

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Hey, guys!
Hoping you're all doing fine. Here's a short update ☺️💗.
I'll write soon; I'm not getting the motivation to write at all due to too many things on my mind. Also, I have exams next week, so I'll really try to update another chapter as this one is short.

How are you guys doing? I'm doing okay. I'm starting volunteer work from next week. Anything new on your end? 😊

Hope you guys don't get bored with the chapter 😟. Also, really sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations.


Nandini ends the call and informs her friends that Manik is on his way to meet them. Riya is the first to react.

Riya: "Now, this is going to be fun."

Nandini: "You're not going to pull any pranks, Riya."

Riya: "Yes, I am."

Nandini: "No, you're not" (firmly).

Riya: (mischievous) "Yes, I am, yes, I am, yes, I am."

Arjun: "Abhi, you didn't even call us for your wedding. You can't stop us from having a little bit of fun, can you?"

Nandini: "But... that's different."

Vikram: "No, no, no. You aren't getting away with it." (With a smirk)

Nandini gives up, worried because her friends, who became friends because of her, can go to any lengths with their pranks. They instantly connected and started hanging out together, even though Arjun was the last to join the group. They never treated him any less. They were a group of fun-filled people, where sometimes Nandini felt she lacked the energy they had.

They start planning, getting all kinds of ideas in their minds. They even ask Nandini to act, but she doesn't agree to any of it. They just beg her to practically sit quietly.

Soon, Manik arrives at the restaurant, spots Nandini, and goes to where she is seated. He finds all of her friends serious. Not knowing what to say, he silently takes his seat. They slowly look up and say hello. He then asks what's happening and why is everyone silent.

Riya tells Manik they have to tell him something. Arjun interferes, saying, "Actually, you marrying Nandini was a mistake. This shouldn't have happened. She herself would never tell this to you... but."

Riya speaks, "Yes, Manik, Nandini is actually. She's, she's, she's..."

Manik: (serious and frustrated) "She's what?"

Arjun: "She's in love with someone else."

Manik: stunned

Vikram: "Yes, she's in love with someone else. She never thought this would happen, the sudden marriage. She was going to come out to her parents. But..."

Manik: not understanding anything

Riya speaks, "She's, she's, she's actually..."

Arjun: "Riya, get over your 'she's.' She's lesbian, Manik. She loves a girl."

Manik: stunned

Vikram: "Yes, you heard it right, Manik. She wanted to tell you this, but as always, she was scared. Scared of what you would think."

All of them sit quietly around the table. Manik is stunned, and Nandini doesn't know what to say, so she's quiet as always. Her friends, looking at Manik's face, suddenly start laughing their asses off. Manik is taken aback again.

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