Chapter 21

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Hello readers!!

Hope you all are doing well.
Here's another chapter of my book.
Happy reading ☺️🤍


Nandini reaches Manik's office, her eyes wide with awe at the towering building. She was lost in her admiration, when she suddenly realises that she'd been standing still for a while. So, She decides to call Manik.

Manik: Hello, Nandini.

Nandini: Hello, Manik. I've reached. I'm down here.

Manik: Okay, I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Although Manik seldom left his work, he wanted to make every effort to ensure Nandini felt welcomed and at ease. It wasn't just about rectifying past mistakes; he genuinely cared for her well-being. Having developed a soft corner for her, he wished to fulfill her wishes whenever possible.

Nandini did not know if she should go inside so she stays where she is waiting for him. Soon she gets a call from.

Manik: Where are you, Nandini?

Nandini: Outside the building.

Manik: Why didn't you come inside? Wait, I'll be there in a minute.

He ended the call, and Nandini spotted Manik briskly making his way towards her.

Nandini: (smiling)

Manik: (smiling back) Why didn't you come inside?

Nandini: I wasn't sure if I could enter, and the place seemed alien, so I just stood here.

Manik: You can come in anytime. Remember, you're a Malhotra now. This place is as much yours as it is mine. Come on, let's go inside.

Nandini: Thank you.

She said it sincerely, as she was genuinely touched by his words. Never had anyone made her feel like they truly cared. Never had anyone made her feel wanted. But with a simple sentence, she felt so warm and happy, emotions she had never experienced from anyone before. Her family never cared enough to ask her even about her health.

They walk into the building together, Manik holding her bags, he had insisted in holding it so she let him.

Everyone was shocked to see the secen as Manik was Manik who never left his office unless it was very important or work. So him walking with a girl made people talk. But he didn't care less and just walked towards the lift.

Manik : How did you come here ?

Nandini : Ma asked me to go with the driver.

Manik : Okay.

As they enter the elevator, the air between them is comfortable, with unspoken understanding.

They reach Manik's floor, and on the way to his office, they encounter Manik's secretary and friend, Rohan. He is surprised to see Nandini, as her visit wasn't mentioned in the schedule. (You see, Manik and schedule go hand in hand.)

Rohan: Bhabhi, you here?

Nandini: Hey, Rohan! (She grins) Just call me Nandini. I made up some lunch for Papa and Manik, thought I'd drop it by.

Rohan: Okay bhabhi.
And Ohhoooo, gar ka khana and all, huh Manik?

Manik was embarassed by him.

Manik : Shut up Rohan. Don't you have work to finish?

Nandini spoke before Rohan could say anything.

Nandini: You too can join if you are free. I have brought enough for everyone.

Rohan: woah Nandini, thank you for the invitation. I'd love to join.
Free food, and that too homemade. Now, now, I don't want to miss that, do I?
But I'll just finish my work and come by in some time.
Untill then see you. ( He goes away happily)

They bid their goodbyes for now, and Manik leads her to his office. As Manik opens the door, Nandini falls in love with his office—the furniture, the details, the way his office is structured. She just starts admiring it.

Meanwhile, Manik is confused looking at her, and he slowly tries to ask her.

Manik: Nandini, are you okay?

She's suddenly brought back.

Nandini: Oh, sorry. I was just admiring your office. It's really good.

Manik is happy that she liked it and asks her to sit down.

Manik: Nandini, can you sit here for some time? I'll finish what I started, and then we can have lunch together. After that, I'll show you around. Is that okay?

Nandini smiles warmly at him, approving of the idea. It made her feel important.

Manik: ( He also adds) You can roam around my office, though.
(So that if she's bored she can at least walk around)

Nandini: Okay, Manik. You finish your work, don't worry about me. I'll keep myself busy doing something.

They both sit in silence, each focused on their work. Manik is busy going through his files, and Nandini admiring everything around her. Suddenly, she remembers she hadn't mentioned meeting Papa, so she brings it up to Manik.

Nandini: Manik, sorry to disturb you. (Hesitantly)

Manik: You can talk to me Nandini, I won't be disturbed at all. (He says coolly)

Nandini is taken aback as usual, and Manik hasn't realized what he said. Those simple words heat up Nandini's cheeks.

Nandini: That... I brought food even for Papa na. So can we go and give it to him once you are done?

Manik: Oh yeah, but He's in a meeting right now. But I'll ask his secretary to tell him to come here once he's done.

Nandini: No, Manik. Why trouble Papa? We'll only go there, na.

Manik: Okay Baba, let us sit in his office and have food, then? He can join us once he's done.

Nandini: But will that be okay? Won't Papa get angry?

Manik: Why would he be angry when his beloved daughter-in-law has come to give him lunch?

Nandini is shy as those words leave his mouth. Manik was slowly getting comfortable talking to her, easily conversing without hesitation. Their relationship has built up over the past few days.

But, on the other hand, Manik's straightforwardness was catching Nandini off guard. She never knew what to say whenever he was being so direct, she always found herself at a loss for words.

Nandini: Okay.

He soon finishes his work and messages Rohan to come to his Papa's office for lunch.

Nandini and Manik both leave his office. And on their way all of his employees were still curious about who was with their boss, as he never entertained any women before this, leaving his clients. They definitely knew she was no client, and she was also dressed very simple, making them more curious. But Manik doesn't give a damn about them and walks with Nandini towards their Papa's office.


I hope you guys liked this chapter.
And Please do share your thoughts in the comment section. It'll help me write the next chapter better and also help me to improvise it.

Thank you for reading 💗

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