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Placing the last item out of the box she felt satisfied. She took another look at the door. Checking for the millionth time that it was locked normally and with a deadbolt. She sighed looking out at the window. The yard surrounding the apartment was well lit. Giving her some assurance that nobody was lingering outside. She walked over and closed the curtains and blinds. She placed a hand on her stomach. Assuring the bandage was still wrapped firmly around her waist. A small shudder went through her body as she looked down to see the bandage around it and her right wrist. Her mind drifted back to the dreadful night. The chill of the freezer. The sting as the blade pressed against her flesh. The way he had this crazed look in his eyes. A look she would never have guessed he would be capable of having. When she had her chance, she fled. She may have never made it out otherwise. Even when she arrived at her home she did not feel safe. She had rushed to patch up her wounds and left as soon as she could. Not even a new town felt safe. Hell the country, the continent as a whole did not feel safe. Within one train ride he could be at her doorsteps and she'd be none the wiser. Perhaps that's why she moved across the sea. America felt like a better place. Having family nearby in case something happened. A knock at the door startled her. She bit down any temptation to gasp as she quietly rushed over to the door. Opening the flap to the peephole. Relief washed over her when she saw a familiar face. "Aunt Tiffany!" Manon said happily as she unlocked and opened the door. On the other side stood a woman in her mid fifties. Her hair is still a beautiful brown, with a few gray hairs. Her face remained gentle with a few wrinkles, and had doe eyes like her being the same carmel colored as her. "Manon!" Unexpectedly she was pulled into a hug. Manon stifled her grunt of pain before hugging her aunt back. She was a bit shorter than her. "May I come in?" Manon nodded as she moved to the side. "So as a welcoming gift I brought you cookies, chocolate chip cookies." Tiffany said as she walked inside pulling out a cookie jar from a paper grocery bag. "Oh, I love how you've decorated." Tiffany said as Manon smiled. "Thank you, for the cookies and the compliment." Manon replied as she walked over to the jar. Sure enough several cookies were placed inside the jar. They still smelt quite fresh. "So, I've informed your parents you have arrived, and of your new number. Rent isn't due for another month. Don't tell the others but you do have a small discount." Manon chuckled knowing her aunt meant that she had half off. Though Manon felt a little guilty that she'd be paying significantly less than the other tenants. Though with her not having a job now made her feel a bit better. She reached a hand inside the jar and pulled out a cookie. Taking a bite into the still warm dough felt like nostalgia. Bringing her back to the days where she was just a kid and didn't have to worry about anything she does now. "Your uncle Claude will want you to come over every Sunday for dinner, and I brought something else." Manon raised a brow as her aunt pulled out several newspapers, and catalogs. "All of these have job listings, but I also have brought them so you can see the obituaries." Her aunt's tone seemed odd. It gave Manon an uncomfortable feeling. It didn't help the memories of what had happened two weeks ago. "May I ask why?" Her aunt looked to the side before looking back at her and sighing. "Well some residences here tend to be a bit odd." Manon raised a brow as she took a paper. She ran through the pages before coming across the obituaries. At first nothing was out of the ordinary. That was until she began to notice a few discrepancies. A few people appeared to be shadowy figures with white outlines on their faces. Some with several eyes where eyes do not belong. Some with feathers. Looking over in their descriptions words that she had skimmed confirmed what she was seeing in the photo was true. She looked back at her aunt. "I don't understand what on earth?" Manon said as she looked at the paper again. She was so confused. There was no one who even appeared like that in France. "How are they like this? Why are they like this?" Manon asked as her aunt just shrugged. "We don't know. Many people are just like that here. I've heard of others in different parts of the world, yet they do not appear as often in other parts of the world except for here." "And I've never heard of this because…" Manon said as she made a motion for aunt to continue. "I honestly do not." Manon felt a small sinking feeling. She had always done her best to keep an open mind to others. This she would make no exceptions. Yet there was a sinking feeling in her gut. She knew it had to be due to the most recent events. She looked down at the paper again. "I'll let you know we have several people with oddities in our space and they are lovely people. In fact we're hosting a barbecue in a few days so that will be a great opportunity for you to meet some people. Who knows. Perhaps you will get to meet new friends, and maybe find some career paths." Manon looked up at her and smiled. "Thanks aunt Tiffany." Manon replied as her aunt smiled, and walked up to her. "Now I must go. I'm sure you're plenty exhausted after your voyage over here. I'll inform your parents you have arrived safely. Love you." "Bye, Love you too." As soon as her aunt had left the building Manon locked the door. Using both the dead bolt, and the usual lock. Scanning around her apartment out of fear. Even being an ocean away Manon was fearful of what may happen. It may be a while till she could sleep soundly. Yet when she actually got ready for bed she had the best sleep she has had in a while.

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