Chapter 46

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"...I am actually her brother" as soon as these words left his mouth swords were again pointed towards his throut but now three in number.

The dark energy from Xander's sword enveloped his neck and started tightening, trying to strangle him.

Liam chuckled a little and brushed off the dark energy.

He looked at the magic sword pointed at him and then at Xander "You might be someone very precious for her to make you a sword like that"

The sword was no ordinary sword as it was made of mana stone and passed through the hand of a demon royal, that sword was enough to wreck havoc in the whole world with just a little strike.

But why would she hand something so dangerous to someone like him. Mostly demons usually keep the swords made by them to themselves. Does she doesn't know this sword when in wrong hands can cause huge perils to the world.

Xander just glared at him with fire burning in his eyes which will burn everything that comes in his way.

"What did you do to her?" he shouted with anger.

"Chill man, calm down" Liam tried to calm the raging dragon from out bursting.

"I just saved-"

"Saved? My foot, do you take us all as fools" Xander spated.

"What?" Liam asked confused. He really can't understand what they were implying.

"What? what, aren't you the one you wants to kill her" Lucas yelled at him.

"Kill her?  Me? Have you all gone crazy, why would I want to kill my own little sister when she is the only family that I am left with?" Liam said to them.

"Didn't you kill your mother too" Damian glared at him.

Liam stared at them perplexed.

"Stop acting innocent, you were the one who killed her" said Xander.

"When did she die?" Liam asked, he knew that his mother was dead but when, he don't.

"A decade ago" Lucas told him.

"A decade ago" Liam murmed to himself.

"So will you admit now that you killed her" Xander said raising a brow.

"You have been utterly mistaken, I have been trapped here for the past fifteen years"

"Don't try to lie to us, and you were also the one responsible for your father's death" Lucas said.

At Lucas words this time Liam's eyes darkened, his father's murder was no little thing.

"You people really are stupid, Even a kid will not believe that a six years old kid who barely knew how to read and write hired assassins to kill his uncle"

Well, on second thought it was a stupid assumption to say that six year old hired assassins.

"Stop with your nonsense" said Xander pressing the sword.

But before it can cut through Liam's flesh, it was snatched and thrown away from him.

Damian and Lucas lowered there swords when Katherine came and stood before Liam.

She had woken up and was feeling refreshed and energetic.

Xander's sword that was thrown lay far away on the floor. He looked at her feeling relieved as well as betrayed.

'Why was she helping him' were his thoughts.

Seeing that the three calmed down she turned around to get a look at her brother.

"You grew up well, don't you?" she said to him.

There were tears in Liam's eyes as he took in her appearance. His little sister whom he thought that he will never meet in this life. When she was still in his mother's tummy he would sing her songs and read her stories.

He even carved her name initials for her on a mana stone. Although it was not as perfect as how his mother did it but it was made by love for her.

You can say he took after his father in this thing as when his father carved his name initials in a mana stone, they were messy.

But Liam lost his pendent years ago.

"Katherine, how are you?  do you feel any pain? how do you get here" he bombered her with questions.

Xander who was silently watching till now pulled Katherine back to him.

"Katherine, what are you doing?" he asked.

The other two also looked at her with confusion in their eyes.

Katherine sighed "He was not the one after all the mess, neither father's death nor mother's murder"

"You belive him" asked Xander pointing towards the man he dispised from the core of his heart, the one responsible for each and everything.

"I might have not, but I got mother's letter" she said.

"Mom's letter?" asked Liam coming closer but was stopped.

"Yeah, she wrote that she thought you will be safe here so she left you here. So what's going on, why are you in the prison and why mom thought you were safe here but not with us" Katherine asked.

Liam looked at her and told her to sit down.

She sat down and the three men stood protectively beside her.

"After father's death, mother ran away to here thinking that she can keep us both safe in the demon realm and spend a long life with us but there was one problem, father had the light attribute"

"I had both light and dark attributes. In me the light energy was far more that the dark one and as years passed and I grew up the dark energy became lesser and lesser, it was nothing concerning. Mother thought that because my light energy is almost ten times my dark energy so I will be able to cross the miasma wall without much difficulties"

"But something unusual happened, even though my light energy was ten times the dark one, it was totally enveloped by the dark energy when I crossed the miasma wall. I completely became a demon"

"The sudden change was painful and adapting to it will take years, fearing that you might also go through the same thing after you are born she again went out side. She left me here so I can live."

"After three years everything was fine but that was when while strolling in the garden someone trapped me here" Liam finished telling the whole story.

"So why she left you?" asked Lucas.

"The outer world is not made for demons because there is barely any miasma to feed on, a demon kid like me can live in the outside world at most for  just two years while someone like my mother who was twenty when she left can survive for at most twenty years"

"So even if she was not killed she was supposed to die soon" mumbled Damian.

"That might be why she approached father to take Katherine in" said Lucas.

"So now you know about me so tell me who are you three and what is you relationship with my sister?" Liam asked in a grave tone.

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