Chapter 34

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The night was dark with no moon in the sky, even the stars were hidden behind the clouds.

Darkness, something that swallows people and make them insane but to some people this darkness is what made them sane, it is what made them survive in this cruel world.

This calm, serene and beautiful darkness, which is just defamed can give a huge peace to people.

Xander wiped the blood from his sword with a cloth before putting it away inside the scabbard.

There were dead bodies lying everywhere around him massacred mercilessly by his own hands.

It was really a terrifying sight but this was not something new to him.

The green ground of the forest along with tree trunks were covered in crimson, everyone of the assassins were dead instead of the leader who was tied to a tree.

Xander motioned his men who were hiding in the shadows to clean up the mess as he started walking towards the man who was tied to a tree with his face battered in blood.

Approaching him he sat down before the man and forced him to look up at him by grasping his chin roughly.

The man groaned in pain as Xander squeezed his battered face.

Xander smirked hearing his painful groan, he lifted up his right hand, the same from which he touched Katherine and mercilessly chopped off his fingers with a blade.

The man groaned again. Xander did this to his other hand too then he motioned his men to take him away and put him in the cells, he will interrogate him later.

After his men left he went towards Katherine and sat beside her. She seemed really exausted.

'She might have inhaled a lot of the essence' he thought as he stroked her cheek and looked at her pale complexion which was paler than usual.

His eyes darkened when he saw a bruise on her wrists, she seemed to be turning even more paler as the time passed.

Xander picked her up bridal style and took her away from the area, he soon reached a stream and saw a little cave beside it.

He put her inside the cave and washed his bloodied hands. He didn't want Katherine to see him in this condition when she wakes up.

It was then, that he noticed the huge gash on his left palm.

It might have been made by the leader when he was distracted by Katherine who stirred a little.

He just chuckled and wrapped his hand with the same handkerchief that he used to cover her eyes and went back inside the cave.

He sat down beside her again and pulled her on his lap.

Staring at her he too fell asleep. This part of the woods was hidden, cannot be found at first sight so until they both don't go out, no one will be able to find them.


The morning came soon and Katherine felt that her bed was breathing and was surprisingly really warm in contrast with the cold surroundings. She snuggled in more only to hear a chuckle.

Her bed chuckled, but.

A voice interrupted her thoughts "Irene, you can snuggle with me how much you want but after we get married, ok, I don't think this is appropriate now considering you are a noble lady".

At the deep voice that resounded in her ears she jumped up and opened her eyes.

When she came to her consciousness, she recalled the events that happened and passing out after seeing Xander.

She looked up to see Xander smirking at her and then to the position they were in. She quickly stood up from his lap with her face burning red.

Xander saw this and laughed. She was indeed cute!

Katherine stared at him bewildered as he laughed like a maniac but somehow his laugh seemed pleasing.

"So what happened after I passed out" Katherine asked him.

"Nothing, I just had a good chat with them and took you here" he said and smiled darkly after thinking back about the supposed 'chat' he had with them.

She didn't seem to believe it but didn't ask anything else.

She tried to walk a little but her legs were numb and gave away, but before she could fall, strong arms steadied her.

She looked at Xander who was smirking at her and her face went red, she struggled in his grip.

"You can't walk or are you pretending it because you want me to carry you" he said.

Katherine backed away from him and wispered "It's..... It's not..."

She was stuttering.

"Don't worry, you don't have to pretend, you can just say and I will carry you in my arms for your whole life, and you are not even heavy anyway, even a twelve year old must be able to hold you" he said giving her a knowing look.

"No you don't need to but... thank you for saving me back there" she thanked him from her heart.

She felt something wet on her arm and looked, it was blood, dark crimson blood but she was not injured, yeah she can't feel any pain.

She looked at Xander and then she saw the bloodied handkerchief wrapped around his left palm. She grew worried. She knew how painful it was .

Xander raised his eyebrows when she looked like that, he looked down where she was looking to found that blood was seeping out of the handkerchief that he has wound up around his gash.

"It's just a little-" before he can say anything to asure her that it was just a minor scratch she has came forward and got hold of his palm.

She softly untied the handkerchief and a gasp left her mouth when she saw the wound. She glared at him but he just looked away bored.

"What is this?" she inquired "Weren't you having a chat" she mocked him.

"I do different kind of chat" Xander replied.

She looked at the wound with worry lacing her face.

"What!? are you worried about me?" he teased.

She scoffed and ordered him to stay put as she went out side to get some herbs.

She has some bandages and disinfectant in her personal space but she will need some antiseptic too.

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