Chapter 27

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Katherine looked more into her mother's belongings and found a letter at the bottom of all the things.

The envelope was of the same colour and texture as the box and fully blended with it.

Maybe it was why she never got to know about it till now, the envelope was just so similar to the wood of the box as if it was made like that specially to hide it.

She took out the letter and looked for whom it was.

She was surprised when she saw that it was addressed by her mother to her when she turns sixteen.

She looked at the envelope to see the date it was written but before she could see it someone knocked at her door.

She said a come in and Anne entered inside with a tray filled with different food items.

"Miss, please have dinner"

"I am not hungry, you eat it" Katherine replied uninterested as she put the locket and the envelope back inside the box and put the box away.

"Miss, you have not eaten anything since lunch and also at lunch you just ate a bit, it's not good for your health mis.."

Katherine just gave a look to Anne who was scolding her, she shut up and took the tray away.

Recently she has been just too annoying, nagging at her for the smallest things.

She is not a kid after all and she should know it till now that if she is hungry she will eat by herself and there is no need to pester her.

Katherine sighed.

Her gaze went out of the window and at the moon.

It was crescent moon today, shining brightly and if you tilt your head a bit and look at it, it seemed like a big smile in the sky just like that of a chesire cat, so cunning.

There were many stars too, twinkling and giving off light. She took out her painting materials and started painting the beautiful view infront of her, it was like today something special was there.

And Who knows if it really was.


The next day she woke up when someone opening the curtains in her room.

"Miss, it's time to wake up" Anne's voice reached her.

Katherine got up from her bed and headed towards the bathroom to get a shower.

After sometime she came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and ready, the only thing that was left to do was to set her long wavy ash-coloured hair which were a dark shade of blue at the tips.

Anne styled her hair in a long braid which ended till her hips.

After getting ready she head out of the dorms to get to her first class of the day.

The day was going pretty peaceful today as she didn't have any classes with the guys.

She was going back to her room at lunch time as she was not in a mood to eat at the cafeteria filled with annoying people.

Anne already said that she had prepared some delicious snacks for commoners and she would be utterly happy to eat those than that nobles's food.

Through the corridors she was peacefully walking towards the dorms when her peace was disturbed by a commotion that was taking place on the other side of the corridor.

It seemed like a bullying issue and other students instead of stopping it were just enjoying themselves and laughing.

Seems like things are no different here from Dragon Wales, the only thing different was that the bullies here were girls not boys.

Annoyed from all the noise they were creating, she took the hand of the bully who was going to hit the girl who was slouched on the ground with her hands protecting her head.

She coldly looked into the eyes of the bully girl who was hitting others and then at her followers.

They looked like a bunch of annoying girls that were similar to the white lotus girls who does God knows what when no one was looking and when someone influencial saw it they would just play the victim.

The angry girl looked at the person that caught her hand. She pulled out her hand from her grip and glared at her.

She knew from one glance who she was, after all who didn't knew about the adopted daughter of the Grand Duke of Selteriola, a commoner who had such luck to become a noble overnight.

She scoffed at her.

Katherine not wanting to breathe the same air as these bunch of idiots said coldly "Scram".

They didn't knew if it was her voice which was so commanding or the dangerous aura that she was emitting, they found them running away on their own.

Soon the whole corridor was empty beside Katherine and the girl who was sitting on the ground.

Seeing that everyone went away she stood up and said "Th..ank...y...ou"

She stuttered badly.

Of course she was still terrified but grateful too, to this young lady who saved her from those bullies.

She knew who she was.

She curtsied in front of her and greeted " is.. Holly, Holly Hernendez, it's. ..nice..t..o...mee...t you Grand Duchess Katherine".

'She is the daughter of viscount Hernendez, a perfect person to be bullied by those high ranking kids'.

"Get strong, otherwise they would bully you again" after saying this Katherine left.

Holly just stared at her back and followed her. From now on she followed her whole day.

It doesn't matter where Katherine went she would always follow her.

"Katherine why is she following you?" Alisteir asked when they were in the library.

At this mention Katherine looked behind to see a Holly who smiled at her.

In the evening when Katherine was in the garden she stopped and called "Why are you following me?"

"Oh Duchess, I didn't mean to disturb you but you seemed like a safe person and you also saved me that day" Holly looked down as she said this, rubbing her hands together, obviously she was nervous.

"And since I had been following you no one bullied me, I really want to be your friend young duchess".

Katherine looked at the girl whose eyes were smiling at her, so purely and don't even start on how she got the confidence to talk to her when she was stuttering so badly just a few days ago.

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