Chapter 33

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Katherine ran, she ran for the first time in her life, for the first time she wished that there was someone around her. For the first time she cared if she will die because, she can't die.

Not when her mother's murderer is still walking around freely. She can't die yet.

The darkness that was in her veins was running out as she ran and soon the area was lit with light again. Katherine had found a little cave and hid inside it.

She knew she can't remain here for a long time. It doesn't matter how much she conceal it but her mana trail is still visible and following it, it will not take much time for them to find her.

She sat on the ground hugging her knees.

She put her head on the cave wall and closed her eyes. If she wants to escape them she needs to preserve her power so she can atleast pull some spells.


"Lucas, where is Katherine" Xander asked Lucas who came out of a bush on his horse.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you about the whereabouts of my sister" Lucas spat.

"Where is she?" Lucas said pulling his sword in his direction.

Xander just looked at the angry siscon infront of him calmly but you can still see the tornado that was swirling in his eyes.

He looked calm but his eyes said otherwise .

He swated away Lucas' sword and said "Instead of fighting we better look for Katherine, this forest is not for a girl like her to play".

Lucas glared at him but nodded. He knew this forest and what lurks in it, Katherine was just to weak in this state and will surely get hurt.

Now he regrets that he didn't stop her from participating.

As the both were searching they came across the other three.

"Where is Katherine?" Alisteir asked the same question as Lucas with a really worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, shouldn't she be with you?" Drake furrowed his eyebrows at Xander who was as unbothered as always from his stare.

While staring Drake's eyes caught Xander's and he knew that the situation was serious than he thought.

Even though Xander hid the murderous attempt well but you can clearly see the gist of it in his eyes.

Someone is going to die today Drake gulped as he thought this.

But Xander was not looking at him. He was staring in another direction.

Drake and the other two followed his stare and found Ivan standing there with a bored expression on his face.

The three frowned.

Apart from Xander the other person they liked the least was Ivan and after him was Damian who appears infront of them the least.

Ivan looked up at Xander knowingly and smirked. Xander stayed calm even if he can clearly read what Ivan was thinking.

Ivan was trying to provoke him as he knew something that the others don't,  something that was the reason of why the good friendship between them demolished these years.

"Lets go in different directions so we can cover a large area at once, that way it will be easier to find her" Xander said after sometime and went on his horse towards the north direction, from which Ivan just came from.

Xander strolled inside the deep forest in search of Katherine, he didn't make the mistake to shout her name as it will alert people.

He rode his horse steadily, not even making a small noise as the horse walked.

After walking for a few minutes he came to a little clearing. At this place you can clearly see the sky and sunrays reached the ground.

He can see that soon it will be sunset and it will be dark. He needs to find her quick.

In the rays something was glistening on the ground. Xander noticed it and stepped down from his horse. He came near the thing and picked it up.

As he saw the material, his blood ran cold. Even though it was a little warm here but now the temperature dropped down by several degrees as he continued to stare at the thing in his hand.

He smirked when he sniffed a faint smell in the air.


Katherine soon sensed some people approaching the little cave she hid in.

She can sense that they were at a hundred metres distance from her.

She stood up from her hide out and started running again, her footsteps that fell on the ground felt like feathers, not making a sound or even disturbing the air but she was not so fast as they caught up to her soon.

She was panting as they got nearer and nearer, soon she was surrounded by them from all sides.

She panted heavily as she glared at them like a tired lioness.

This time they were carrying little lamps filled with what she asumed was light escense.

This was in protection from the spell she previously used .

This light escense was something that made dark spells go numb.

It was mainly used when fighting with high ranking demons and even though she is half light and half darkness she was getting weaker and weaker as she inhaled it.

Katherine collapsed on the ground as her knees gave up, it was like all the energy she saved was getting sucked away.

The leader smiled and came near her.

He crouched to her level and grasped her chin making her look up at him.

He looked at her eyes but saw nothing but coldness in them. It was a coldness that made him shiver at some time but today the she-devil was as weak as a rabbit.

She swated his hand away but he held her chin again.

But this time as soon as his fingers touch her chin a dagger cut through his fingers.

The leader backed away as he looked around frantically searching from where the dagger came from.

As he was looking around another blade swooped passed him barely missing his neck by just a few millimetres and right in the head of the man standing behind him.

The leader looked at the place where the blade came from and saw nothing but cold, murderous red eyes staring at him.

Katherine followed his gaze and saw the person coming out of the bushes. Her face unconsciously lit up.

Xander's eyes were having a murderous intent making the people around shiver, his eyes softened a bit when he looked at her but when he saw her state his eyes darkened again.

After pulling her up and hiding her behind him he looked at the person who dared to touch her with his filthy fingers. He wants to chop them off.

Xander pulled out his handkerchief from his pocket and tied it around her eyes blocking her vision. Next he carried her bridal style towards a tree and sat her against it.

The person who tried to stop him froze at his place after looking into his eyes.

Till Xander had put Katherine down, she was completely unconcious.

After stroking her cheek and planting a kiss on it, he stood up and looked behind, popping his knuckles before he pulled out the precious sword he received.

He smirked looking at their frightened faces.

Now was the time for the blood bath to begin.

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