Chapter 14 The game station

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The group honestly never expected this at all as there is a huge living toy mascot just like Huggy though the living mascot is different as it was extremely flexible including the physical appearance as well.There is also the fact that the group are dealing with a hostage situation which isn't what the group had planned as then there is a another difference as well this living toy mascot can speak. But how come this toy mascot can while Huggy couldn't talk for some reason.But there is also the fact that the physical appearance is very flexible as well as the group soon looked to see that Poppy is being held captive.

With the a gag to prevent the sentient doll from being able to speak then the group soon looked at the one that held the captive. It was clear that things were not going to be easy at all.There is a unhinged expression on the another living toy mascot that there is going to be some kind of stale made in order to get Poppy back.

Then the kidnapper known as Mommy Long legs spoke of playing a couple of games in order to get not only the captive, but the code to the train as well.This is going to be very difficult to say the least, not to mention that the other toy living mascot Huggy seem to be lost, somehow confused almost in a way.

So there is a lot of difficulties here as this is going to be so much more difficult than they have ever imagined.But it will be all worth it for the group so that they will be able to find their friend and get out of this abandoned toy factory.But for now they have to play by the kidnappers rules for a while until getting Poppy back including the code for the train.
|Classified tape: Bigger bodies, initiative|

[Date: Redacted]

There is a sound coming from the laboratories in the factory as the scientist, there are checking to make sure that the experiments are doing well.When The Doctor soon came he was given status reports of how things were going with the current experiments.Once he had been given the results of the experiments were all received. It became time to add in another documentary log of the current events of the process as it is going very well as there is a a lot of progress, that is complete.Soon those experiments will be taken to the orphanage.As the log soon began to play detailing the research of what has happened so far.

As the log soon began to play detailing the research of what has happened so far

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{Currently transporting experiments to the orphanage.}

{The experiments are ready for transportation to the orphanage as the giants need to be asleep during the transportation.Once the giants are asleep and being transported to the orphanage restraints will need to be placed in carefully.So that accident won't happen as this needs to be very cautious.As there is some accidents that had happened before.When the experiments are sleep please place them in the train for transportation and place in the restraints so that the experiments can be carried out safely to the orphanage.}

{The experiments are soon the train for transport to the orphanage as there is some movement from the containment of the experiments.When that happens please take a look to see what is happening in the containment.Once done with the surveillance of the experiments continue on the transportation to the orphanage.When the train arrives at the orphanage please place the containment in the orphanage.}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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