Chapter 4 Being watched

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There is a lot that is happening in the factory as there is so many good and bad things that are happening like there is so many things that were happening for the fact that all of the Catnap plushy's, are being recalled.Because of some issues with the scent, causing the children to have nightmares and hallucinations.That is concerning to say the least, as that doesn't make any sense as it is only the plushy's of Catnap are causing these nightmares and hallucinations, while the rest of the plushy from the other characters aren't doing it.

That is simply strange to say the least as to how is that even happening the fact that there will be new characters in the television show for the characters.But what's even more strangest that the plushy scent the one of Catnap it smelled familiar.At least to Wiatt it was familiar the fact it was almost identical to that smell that well Catnap would use for the children in the orphanage.

In fact, they were the exact same that didn't make any sense. The plushy of the feeling are supposed to be lavender what exactly happened to cause the smell to change.So he had to investigate. What exactly is going on as he noticed some other things as well that's been happening here in the factory.But what is exactly going on in this factory that's what got him curious not to mention that some employees have gone missing.

Well the employees that did the voices of the Smiling critters in the cartoon as he noticed that some children had gone missing.As there was no sign of them being adopted.So that is very confusing especially with the Hartman incident.Wiatt remember what happened at that time though there are only muffled sounds something about a child not being available that doesn't make any sense.

The last time he checked he knew that Jeremy wasn't taken out for any adoption last time.So what exactly happened not to mention Stella seemed a bit distracted. He was worried about her. But there was nothing he could do at the moment. In fact, he was distracted when the child came up to him as this child is Kevin.As he is shocked to see that this child is hugging him so tightly all of the children had gotten used to having him around.

Including the toys that greeted the people coming in here and working in the game station and here in the orphanage.So he was concerned when Kevin hugged him tightly around his his legs, as if trying to find comfort out of a terrible nightmare.

" Kevin is everything fine? You're acting a little bit off you're starting to scare me and everybody else here."

"I don't feel safe in Home Sweet Home. I feel like I'm constantly being watched there. I don't know why, but it feels like something is watching me and I don't like it. I feel like it's watching everybody else there as well. I'm scared help me."

That is strange and concerning because why is it that this child doesn't feel safe at the orphanage it should be a place where these children can be safe.Because that is concerning that a child does feel safe at all in a place that is supposed to make children feel safe.Including how is it strange that there was something watching him.

That is very strange, including the fact how some of the children have been having nightmares.As it became very clear that more children also swarmed around him as well, clinging onto him for safety.That is strange, that all of the children seem to trust the adults well some of them, including himself.

But not all of them for some reason.Then he soon got out of that pile of children, because they really seem to cling onto him for safety as he explains that he'll be back as he needs to check something in the building.So Wiatt went into Home Sweet Home orphanage to figure out what is going on.

("I don't understand what's happening first all of the plushes of Catnap are being recalled because of some strange smell that isn't lavender.In fact it's very familiar to the one that are use on the children here.But I honestly don't know if that's a good idea, considering the fact that it's somehow causing nightmares and hallucinations for them.Anyway I gotta figure out what exactly is going on.")

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