12.the battle of the west

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"No,your not."
Mizuki said.

"Why can't I go?"
Kamiko asked.

"Because it's too dangerous for you!"
Mizuki said

"Then why do I train so hard? Come on Mizuki can I please come with you?".
Kamiko asked

"Ahh....fine. taru Bering her a sword and hooded cloak."
Mizuki said

"Yes sir I will be back in a moment"
Taru said as he ran down.

After a while taru comes back and gives Kamiko a sword and the cloak.
Mizuki took Kamiko to the place where the battle was going on.

"All right Kamiko isn't a game it's the real deal."
Kamiko thought.

"We're here. Ok princess since it's night and dark, I want you to stay near me ok?"
Mizuki said

Said Kamiko.

"Let's go! ."
Mizuki yelled

Mizuki rushed in and began to fight.
Kamiko followed him.

"Whoa it's very louder then I expected"
Thought Kamiko.

"Hey don't just stand there like a prey!"
Mizuki yelled

Kamiko yelled back

"Ok Kamiko now focus just like you practice ."
Kamiko told her self.

Kamiko's sword began to glow with moon element.

"Ok now fight!"
Kamiko told her self.

Suddenly a man was about to hit her but she dodges and Fights Back.

"Moon element, moon slash "
Kamiko said

It was very effective on the man. he falls down in one blow.

"Even though the move I just use was for beginners but it was pretty affective on him. "

Kamiko was fighting very focused. Before she knowed she had defeated many men .when looked back. All the west's knight were on the ground. She saw Mizuki standing in a distance.

"Woah Mizuki did this."
She thought.

She waved at Mizuki. Mizuki saw her.
She was going towards.

"You did well princess."

suddenly Kamiko began to Vobel and she falls on Mizuki.

"Princess are you okay?!"
Mizuki said in panic

"Huh? My body feels num . I can't hear anything. My vision is getting blur too.

"Hey! Hey!"
Mizuki yelled

"Is Mizuki saiying something I can't hear him at all."
Kamiko thought before she got unconscious.


Hello everyone it's been a while.
I know my break was a bit too long
This is a bit short but anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter
Don't forget to follow me and vote this chapter
Thanks for reading

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