14.A look in the past

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"Say kid what's your name ?"
Mizuki asked the boy.

"My name is hyato and I am 6 years old.
Said the boy.

"Nice to meet you, hyato. I am Kamiko. So can you tell us what your parents look like?"
Kamiko said.

"Miss Kamiko. My father has black hair and he was wearing a Brown shirt and black pant. And my mother is wearing a pink dress. And she has Brown hair Just like mine.
Said hyato.

"I see."
Mizuki said

They were searching for his parents but could not find them. then suddenly a woman screamed as a man took her bag and ran off.

" somebody help! thief !he stole my bag!"
The women yelled .

The man ran towards Kamiko and Mizuki's direction.
Mizuki was about to remove his sword but Kamiko ran towards him.

"Move! you Bart!"
The man yelled at Kamiko and throw fire balls at her.

"Fire element!"
Kamiko thought

Kamiko Dodges his attack. And punches him the face twice. Mizuki ran towards him and puts his sword at his neck. And said.

"Don't move"
In a serious tone.

While hyato was amazed by them.
Kamiko takes the bag and gave it to it's owner.

"Thank you so much miss."
The women said.

"No problem."
Kamiko said as some guards came running there and they took away the thief.

"Hyato are you ok? You not hurt, are you?"
Kamiko asked

"No I am fine. You were so cool out there."

Kamiko said.

"Should we continue looking for your parents?"
Mizuki asked.

"Of course."
Hyato said

They look everywhere for hyato's parents. But couldn't find them.

"It's been too long. I wonder where mom and dad are?"
Hyato said.

"Don't worry. We will find them."
Kamiko said.

"Hey are they your parents?"
Mizuki said as he pointed out.

"Yes! They are! "
Hyato said with joy.

"Mom! Dad!"

Hyato run towards his parents.

"We were so worried about you."
Hyato's mother said as she hugged him.

"This kind lady helped me to find you."

"I was also there."
Mizuki said.
As Kamiko smiled looking at him.

"Oh. I see."
Hyato's mother said

"I can't thank you both enough."
His father said.

"No, it's fine."
Kamiko said.

"Now we should go. Bye hyato see you again."
Kamiko said.

"Ok bye miss Kamiko."
Hyato said as he waved his hand.

"Hey mister when I grow up I want to just like you."
Hyato said to Mizuki.

"Oh really. We'll see."
Mizuki said.

As Kamiko and Mizuki were going. Kamiko stop and turn back to see hyato's family.

"Aren't they a lovely family?"
Kamiko said.

Mizuki said.

"You know I was very small when my parents passed away in a car accident.
I didn't had many relatives. I had a aunt. My father's sister. She had two sons one older than me and other same age as me. She took me in but she was no good . She will treat me very badly. Though she gave me food and cloths. She will always make me feel like I wasn't part of their family.
It's was pretty sad. But once I turned 18, I got all my parents money. And the first thing I did, I bought an apartment and I moved out. Since then I have been living on my own. I do have a part time job in a convenience store. So money isn't a big deal for me. Whenever I see a family together I just get jealous. I know i am wrong to think that but I-.
Oh....i am so sorry that got too personal. Let's head there."
Kamiko said as she pointed the flower garden again.

"Of course."
Mizuki said as he smiled at her.

"So she has been alone all this time."
Mizuki thought.

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